The Hunt

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For special reasons, I've decided to break away from the norm and wrote from the Runaway teens' POV.

The Runaways' POV

In the dead of night, when all should be sound asleep in their homes, four teens on skateboards were speeding down the road. These weren't regular teens, no, they are something a little extra-ordinary.

One of them, a boy with curly hair, maneuvered his board to the front of a store and promptly jumped up to yank down a sign that read "REACH DRINK, sold here!", before vanishing in plain sight. He reappeared in mid-air, smash the sign towards the ground, and vanished again. A second later, he was back on his skateboard, looking for the next target.

A Japanese young girl clapped her hands together before releasing what looked like a sonic blast that boosted her up three stories to a billboard that read "The G. Gordon Godfrey Show presenting: The Reach Ambassador!" She landed foot first on the Talk Show host's printed face and send a powerful blast that disintegrated the billboard.

Another boy sailed on a sewer cap powered by static energy. In his right hand was a ball of pure lightning. His eyes found their target and he released the energy straight at a track with the Reach symbol on it, blasting the track into oblivion.

The last one hovered in mid-air as what looked like a silicone of a giant faceless man surrounded the boy's body. He formed his hand into a grabbing gesture and the giant picked up a water tower with the face of Blue Beetle on it and smashed it hard on the ground, sending tones of water flowing everywhere.

When all had subsided, the giant slowly disappeared, leaving the boy to stand calmly on the sidewalk as if all that he had just done was simply a dream. The other three teens joined his side.

"Oooh, nice one, Tye!" The boy with static powers cheered happily. "You are seriously getting a handle on your powers."

The boy, Tye offered him a smile. "Thanks, Virgil. But I'd rather get a handle on the scarab that turned my man Jaime into the Reach's little blue puppet!" He sneered at the smashed pieces of the water tower.

At the mention of Reach, the four teens all had a look of hatred on their faces. The notorious two-faced aliens are the reason the four of them have powers. They were all abducted and experimented on by the Reach, their meta-powers are simply the outcome. If it hadn't been for the heroes that rescued them from the Reach ship...well, who knows what would have happened to them next.

A ringing in one of the boy's pockets brought their attention back from the past.

"Who's calling, Ed?" questioned Tye. Ed, the boy with the ringing phone, picked up the call, and a very familiar bald head appeared on the screen.

Lex Luthor smiled at the four young faces in front of him. "I wonder if the Reach can appreciate the irony of their own creation working against them..." He mused.

"Hey, they did not create us," growled Ed. "They kidnapped us!"

"And experimented on us against our will!" Tye added angrily.

Luthor didn't seem to mind the kid's angry tone, in fact, he looked more amused at this. "And with that in mind, if you truly want to hit the Reach where it hurts, I believe I can show you the way..."

The four teens looked at each other in confusion as if pondering the idea. It was tempting, of course, to give their captors a taste of their own medicine, but is it wise to trust Lex?


Dick's POV

He was beyond surprised to find Megan safe and mostly unharmed, waiting for him on the docks of Bludhaven, just outside the Warehouse.

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