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I felt the impatience raising inside me, the urgend need to kiss him over and over again. But still I could hold me back, after all I didn't wanted to embarrass him infront of the people. God, I just wanted to go, nothing more!

I smiled again, when I thought of what he did, and could have squealed with joy, again. He took my word seriously and yes damn, he wanted to prove his love for me with it. And yes, I believed him, there were no more "ifs" or "buts" in my heart. He really loved me and I was proud of it!

And I was sure, I was not the only one who was proud of him. All the women he gave a new life again, were also proud of him, and of course also very thankfull. Be sure Jackson, after what you did, will every woman admire you!

God, why did I feel so hyperactive?

Even though I was sitting on his lap, my innerlife was running at full speed. I wanted to hug him, kiss him and never let him go, again. God, I didn't thought of something so wonderful when he talked about a suprise. Well, actually he said, that it wasn't the suprise he meant, but still it felt for me like a suprise, and the coming one just couldn't be better then this one.

I breathed his scent into my lungs, kissed his neck and stroked over his skin with my nose, before I sucked it lightly. The need to taste him, to touch his skin, or to feel it just on my naked body...! That was so fucking overhelming, I really couldn't stop it, I just couldn't hold myself!

"Hey beauty..", I heard him whisper quietly. God, I wish we could just get out of here!

"Just ignore what I'm doing Jackson. I can't stop it. I want to hug you..", I whispered back and nibbled on his earlobe. Immediately his hand landed on my bare back and pressed me against his chest.

"What are you cuddly today?", he chuckled and his breath on my ear finally brought me to my limits.

"I'd love to stuck on you, Jackson. Please hold me close to you..", and snuggled deeper into his neck. God, no man had managed to unbalance me like he did. My senses were going crazy. I felt the warm of his hand, the pressure when he lightly massaged my skin, or his fingers fluttered over like a feather. But then I giggled again, because he was tickling my side.

"Wow, she's like a purring kitten this time..", Silver said but Jackson reprimanded him right away.

"Shut the fuck up, Silver.." I turned his face back to me and stroked his cheek.

"Let him say what he wants, I don't hear or see him anyway. The only man I see, that's you, Jackson...", and kissed him gently on the lips.

Jackson's view

Yeah.. I liked that. I smiled against her lips and would have loved to kiss her a little longer, or better yer, drag her into the nearest suitable corner. Just so that I could take care of the rest of her body, for which I was longing since days. I also wanted to go as soon as possible, so I could finally taste her again. Her seductive way was just tempting, and I knew that she would stay with me tonight. I was sure of that.

I was horny enough and Elra's cuddly attitude only made it worse.

"I wish, we could be alone, Jackson..", she whispered in my ear again and nibbled at my ear. FUCK! I just took her face and turned it to me. Her beautiful face, the shining in her eyes when she smiled at me was just heavenly. Then I leaned down her lips and kissed her again.

"I want that too, beauty..", I said and laughed, when she actually sucked my lips.

"That doesn't look good for you at all, Jackson..", I heard Silver laugh, but I didn't care at the moment.

"He's wrong..", she whispered laughing. "I promise, the coming hours will get even better, Jackson.."

God, I just loved her nibbling lips. What happened with her?

"Can't we just get out of here, please?", she asked and slightly touched my cock with her leg.

"We'll go..", I moaned softly and tried to ignore her touch. Then she suddenly got up and straddled my leg and I was just......mesmerized.

"Jackson, are you even listening to me?!", I heard Silver said, but damn i couldn't answer him, let alone even move. She looked so fucking tempting in this excited state and pure lust was radiating from her eyes.

"I'm cold, Jackson. Can you give me your Jacket?", she asked and tugged on my collar at the same time. I was just not myself and couldn't manage to think clearly, at the moment. I didn't even know, if it was her who helped me out of my jacket, or if I managed to take it off myself. Then I felt my hand on her bare leg, and just digged my fingers in her flesh.

"I'm afraid the game will postponed today, Silver..", Celeste said and i sent her a quiet thank you from my heart.

"Tell them to go, Jackson..!", she whispered and pushed my hand deeper under her dress. God, her soft thighs felt like velvet. "Please, I never wanted you like I do in this moment, Jackson.... ahh yes..", she moaned as I touched her labia with my thumb. She was damn, wet!! I pushed my thumb into her wet hole and saw her biting her lips, and then starting to slowly ride my thumb.

"Shit..", I cursed and pulled her closer to me.

"Jackson, when should he come back?", I heard Celeste again and wondered that they were still here.

"Get out...NOW!", I finally shouted and felt my energy turning back again.

"Finally...!", Elra moaned loudly as soon as the door slammed behind her. She put her legs around my back end thrusted her hips faster. My hand was full with her juices, but her hips just didn't stop. I wanted to kiss her, wanted to suck on her breast anything, but I just couldn't stop looking at her. She was lost in her own lust and forgot completely her surrounding and seemed to not miss anything either.

She just held my hand, digged her nails in my skin and lost herself in a fast rhythm, until her body exploded in pleasure.

"Goooodd.. Jackson..", she said and her voice vibrated as she touched her own face. Her body trembled as her hands ran trough her hair, massaged her neck and moved down to her breasts. "Shit..!", she gasped shortly and laughed happily again. Then she slowly massaged her breasts, as if she tried to calm them down again, while her hips also slowed down and finally came to a standstill.


"God, what was that Jackson..!", she beamed all over her face and kissed my lips. "That felt so good!"

I was just blown away by her beauty and wondered how I just survived the last few days without her.

"Are you done?", I asked not wanting to spoil her fun.

"For now..", she said and looked a bit confused. "Are you mad at me? I'm sorry, but.."But I didn't let her finish and just got up, to push her head down on the Black Jack tabel.

Now it was my turn, damn...

Mr. Black Jackson (english version)!!Complete!! Where stories live. Discover now