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Hardin smiles sadly, ever so small and I feel like strangling him, and throwing him off a building and then smash my face in his chest and hug the hell life out of him.

It feels better. Just being around him, feels better. Being happy is so effortless around him.

My head turns so hyperactive, I’m angry, confused, happy, safe- I’ve gone mental.

“Can you stand?” He asks me hushed and I nod. I stand up and he holds me, firm and close. He helps me to the bed and lowers me onto it.

He props himself on one knee as he rests my head slowly, which still throbs achingly and reaches across to settle my pillow.

His mint cologne and the signature Hardin fragrance spreads all over me and I feel a strange electricity building. He looks back at my face, holding it softly against one his palms.

“You came.” I whisper to myself, trying to believe it, after all that happened between us.

Hardin left, but then he came. He is here, with me. It’s all fine. He didn’t, leave me.

“Of course I did.”

I stare into his deep hazel eyes that shine silently against the black of the night and the whispered voice of his answer. He heard. And his voice is all the safety someone could ever want.

His face is inches from mine and I part my lips to breathe in. A lump chokes in my throat and I suddenly feel so overwhelmed with everything. Hell, I love this person so fucking much, it hurts me.

And it’s so strange that looking at him, right now, makes me feel safe, despite him being all the danger himself.

His face is beautiful, in mild, gorgeous reflection and he’s looking at me, once again, the same way he does, the way I feel like I’m well loved. That we’re here, we’re together, and we’re happy.

His eyes turn darker and carry a deep longing. The electricity thickens around us, and I can feel it running in my blood.

My heartbeat rises within me, ears turning hot and I pull his face closer to mine slowly, almost too scared.

His lips fall on mine, soft and plump and passion builds inside me like hellfire. His body goes tense and he takes a few moments before responding.

Our lips move slow, gentle, carnal, relishing every second of it.

He pulls back slowly and I breathe in his scented proximity.

“This is where it all went wrong.”

He whispers against my lips and I caress his neck gently, running my thumb on his chiselled jawline. I replay our first kiss in the basketball court, and suddenly it feels so long ago.

It all did start, from there. And we have come so long. Stumbling, falling, but still… alive. I chuckle. I’m going to cut off his hair tomorrow, when I have my strength back, for bloody making me drink alcohol.

“It already is. Black can’t turn blacker. But it’s still beautiful.”

I whisper back, our lips brushing ever so lightly and every single hair on my body stands.

“You’re drugged, you’re not conscious. You’ll regret it again.”

“Then it might as well be worth it.”

CHOICES (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now