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I laugh out at this and he seems to mirror my vibe as his smile gets bigger. And I love to see him this way. Hale, hearty and happy.

“Infirmary seems to suit you, Scott. If only I’d known earlier, I might have conspired something.”

“That’s a dark thought, and hence out of your league.”

Minutes pass by and I start mapping the lines on his forehead.

Evening has almost descended causing the room to go comparatively darker, which reminds me I’ll have to leave soon.

He continues to look at me through the dim light, with an unreadable expression.

“Why are you skipping meals, Hardin?”

He closes his eyes and looks away and I sit silently waiting for an answer that he’ll probably not give me. But it has been bugging me ever since.

He used to skip meals back in Cambridge as well, and we had had many incidents like this, even one where he had to be put on IV drip. He never told me his reasons then, just went hulk angry whenever I mentioned it.

I look down to my jacket in my lap when Hardin gently takes my hand into his. He clutches it tightly and then I hear his hushed voice.

“Brit’s not okay.” I clasp my other hand over his caressing it gently. Is Brit not well? Is that why he’s been neglecting his own health?

“Ever since that day, she’s been in shock. She gets nightmares, convulsions. And- I don’t want to see her like this.”

His pained voice cracks at the end and I squeeze his hand in assurance. Why didn’t he tell anyone about this?

“You know I remember a time when I had teasingly told her that her favourite doll looked like the wicked witch of the west, you know the green faced one with the broom and the hat? Surely you’d remember her from when you saw the mirror this morning…”

He smiles fondly and I smile with him too, closing my eyes momentarily.

“She hit me so much, she didn’t talk to me the whole day. And then at night, she just stealthily slides into my room, gets under the covers and holds me to sleep.

She said she was still angry but the doll reminded her of the witch now, so she couldn’t sleep alone.”

His eyes are set off far away and the dreamy smile flutters inside me.

I can imagine the small yet naughty child he must have been and the thought makes me so happy.

“So, I’ve always known that at the end of the day, she’ll be fine. We’ll be fine.

And now that end of the day is exactly what she fears. I don’t know how to take her out of it. I’ve tried… everything.”

He closed his eyes once again and my heart pricks for this hurt little boy who just confided in me.

“She’s a strong young woman, Hardin. She’ll make it through this. You and I can’t even imagine what she’s been through. But from what I’ve known her, she has a powerful spirit. And she has an amazing brother too.”

He opens his eyes to look at me and tightens his hold on my hand.

“You can’t always protect her. Everyone has to fight their own battles, Hardin. Let her return to school. Let her continue her life. Maybe sign her up for some counselling.

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