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Can I just take a minute of your lives and waste it, because I've got some serious freaking out to do!

I just noticed that CHOICES is ranked frikkin Number 2 under 'HESSA' on Wattpad !!!!

This is huge, Oh My Mendes, this is so huge, don't mind me going off the rails, but I just- can't- keep- calm! I'm talking in broken sentences in my mind, what the hell!

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This is huge, Oh My Mendes, this is so huge, don't mind me going off the rails, but I just- can't- keep- calm! I'm talking in broken sentences in my mind, what the hell!

Also, I want to give a HUGE shoutout to some very special people, so here we go!

First, of course, my main girl, writerinthedark13 who is such a bitch that she still hasn't finished reading my book, but I still love her, cause I know she's there. Always.
You can guess she's the inspiration for my character, Liliana Preston.

Second my big sister shaistas, who's gone too busy to have time for me and is a real pain in my everywhere, but again, I love her too.
My Celia Young, everyone.

And then, most importantly some of my loyal, avid, fellow fangirl readers MicheleGreen0, Sharmin09 and CoralieDuzellierDagi for being there throughout, and making me feel that maybe I'm not that shitty a writer after all. Lots of love to you, guys!
You rock. Period. Exclamation mark.

Lastly, to every ghost reader who has spent even a minute on this book, because even if you don't comment or vote, you read my work, and that itself matters ENORMOUSLY to me. I see you, and a big thanks to all of ya!

That's all for this rant, people! If you reached the end and are still reading this, I hope you get beautiful, beautiful dreams of Hero Fiennes Tiffin! And food, lots of good food.

And now, I'm just gonna go, shed a tear.

(Any comments on the absolutely steaming, soon to be released, AWF? They gave us the gymn scene, people!!!!)

S. ;)

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