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I stare blankly through the mirror at the girl I never imagined I would call myself. Lily’s navy blue A-line dress has surely saved the day, which ends just above my knees, but my hair just won’t behave.

I need to buy some dresses, after I unpack. My luggage mostly only contained dozens of t-shirts, a couple of shirts and all kinds of trousers.

I never really liked dresses that much, I guess. But now that I see myself in one, it’s not so bad.

Lily is completely done and is waiting impatiently on the chair in my room. Looking beautiful never takes her time. Or effort. If only she hadn’t been my best friend, I would’ve tossed her illegally-skilled-at-makeup self into the trash. 

“Theresa Young, you take one minute more and I’m gonna leave you here.” I hear her voice with an exasperated sigh.

“Oh yeah? You should have told me earlier that that’s all it took to eascape from this.” I try once more to comb my hair in some sort of a bun or something except that it won’t stay. Disobedient piece of shit! Die, you brain dead, no good loaf of stale bread! I like you, don’t make me regret liking you.

“Tessa, it’s a brunch. Not a dinner. Hurry up.”

“Okay. Done. Let’s go.” I give up. I decide to let my hair open which reached my lower back with a few tendrils hovering over my forehead. Not that it looks bad. Just stereotypical, one thing I can’t bear.

“I’d almost forgotten what a sex on legs you were!”

Lily says with awe and a proud smile on her face. And I blush crimson red with wide eyes and an unbelievable laugh at her choice of remark.

She is looking nothing less, probably much more than me in her blood red low neck dress. She always does. But I’m not telling her that right now, because I’m feeling bitchy like that. I sneer and smile evilly on the inside. I’ll tell her after we return, when I’ll have to bribe her into ordering pizza again.

I take one last look at the mirror and I’m convinced that this will do. Lily has done an excellent job at the eyes but I feel she’s put a bit excess of the lip gloss. I wipe off a little with the tissue before following her out.

The drive takes us half an hour and nothing could have prepared me for my reaction on seeing the venue.

They call this a mansion?

If you ask me, this would have definitely passed for a penthouse had it not carried the plate with the word ‘mansion’ written in bold. Just for the sake of the aesthetic. I scoff.

The house looks complete state-of-the-art with glass walls of full length, white curtains adorned at the sides.

Woodwork is at its finest and the projecting balcony literally steals my heart out.

In a jiffy, the house is a dream.

I wonder who lives here.


“Oh darlings, you are here! Oh, and look at you Theresa, all grown up.” Mrs. Preston exclaims as soon as she sees us, and engulfs me in a hug soon after.

“It’s nice to see you too Mrs. Preston. And please, call me Tessa.” I answer with a smile. It really was great to see her after so long.

“Oh, only if you call me Georgia, for God’s sake. Mrs. Preston sounds so formal, and old, might I add.” She says with a careless wave of her hand.

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