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“The temperature’s fine, right?”

Professor Collins checks the thermostat and all of us stand in line with a throbbing head, tired hands and nervous faces.

“I think this works just fine. It’s warm enough.” The electrician stifles a yawn and Hardin crosses his arms dangerously.

“It’s enough when I say it’s enough.”

“I’ll have to re-open it to fix it to get it warmer. That’s a lot of work, dude.”

“And you will. I want this room hot enough for me to fry your lazy ass on it.”

“Yes sir. It’s perfect.”  I cough coherently as I recall the hard work that went into fixing it.

Collins goes towards the beds and inspects a few of them before stopping at one.

“This sheet looks a bit dirty. Did they send in an old piece?”

“Lily, are you drinking kerosene these days? That’s a used sheet!”

“Oh, come on! The only store open was giving out sets of fifty. And we needed 354. I fell short of four so I got it from some of the hostel people.”

“I need you to dispose off your stash immediately, you’ve lost your head. We can’t be using used old, slept in sheets.”

“Tessa. It’s a difficult hour for all of us. And blind dumbo Collins is no laundry sheriff. He won’t even get it.”

“And we need extra in store.”

“Which we will. It’s just a matter of time. We sneak in tomorrow, replace the four and store the spare. It’ll be a smoothie.”

“Yes, Sir. They might have. You know stores these days. We’ll replace them.” Lily speaks up with a nervous laugh and I glare at her through narrow eyes.

“Yes, see that you do, Preston. And I assume there’s spare?”

Oh god.

“Of course.” Lily is such a great actor. I bite my lip in anticipation. How does she do this so smooth.

“And did you get the cleaners I told you about? Because there’s some dust on these windowsills.”

“I just hope this ends well.”

“It will. And your worrying is not going to help.”

Trevor and I have been dusting the windows since the last ten minutes and our voices were muffled due to the cloth around our faces from the eyes below.

I turn anxious and thrust the broom too violently causing some of the dust specs to fall on me and I sneeze! Thrice, one after another.


“I’ve got-…. sinus-….. sensitivity.” I manage to say within sneezes.

“I could tell. Look at you, you’re a mess. Here take this.”

Trevor puts his navy blue hoodie on my shoulders and I look up to him quizzically.

“It’s falling all over you.”

He explains and I look down to indeed see my skin battered with grey particles. I rub them off and snuggle into his clothing, getting my hair out of the way, loving the feel and fragrance of it.

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