363 21 13

November 25, 2025. London. 


The tires screech in a deafening blow, as my car skids sideways in a drift to stop suddenly. I burst open the back door, before it comes to a complete halt, and make an urgent dash.

"Fred- ambulance, NOW!" I run over to her form, fear consuming me every second. I reach her, in a rush, my knees giving way into a rough slide against the road.

I move her head towards me carefully, and fuck-

I freeze with a deadly shock, my breath choking in my throat, and every drop of fear crawls around my racing heartbeat like a thorn vine.

With trembling hands, I push her hair out of her face, lightly pulling her up, her body limp in my arms-

"Tessa, hey- Te- you're okay, you-"

I pat her cheeks lightly, trying to bring her back to consciousness, but she lays lifeless.

I feel her vein pumping dangerously slow against the skin of my palm, and I shake my head frantically. This is not happening. This cant-

There is a large gash on her forehead, and a petrifying tear at her abdomen, blood oozing out unrestrained bathing her entire body red;

I blink my eyes rapidly, to get over this vision, before I jerk open my suit jacket fastening it around her stomach tightly against the wound, and fish out my handkerchief, pressing to to her head to stop the blood.

"FRED! I said-"

"They're on their way, sir." I hear his rushed reply in the background, and I breathe deeply, looking at her face hopelessly.

I can't- Russo, don't, don't you do this to me. Not you, please, not- you-

"To hell with them. Get the car round. We're going to the hospital. Fast!"


Every noise, every light, every movement fades away into a muffled background, and my head blanks out to an empty place, packed with pain, fear, and dread.

The stretcher paces down hurriedly, and I stride along with it, beside her, still pressing her wound down.

"Tessa,you're- you're gonna be okay, alright just- I'm right here-"

I try to talk to her in hopes that she can hear me, something, anything-

I feel the air closing in on me, suffocating, my eyes blurring, killing me slowly, as I look at her terrifyingly peaceful face battered in blood;

as if punishing me.

I entwine my other hand with her blood drenched one, for no particular reason, maybe to tell her that I'm here, maybe to reassure my self that she is here. She will be okay-

The nurse holds me back from walking any further, and I look down at our joined hands for one last moment when-

I see the cold metallic ring resting securely on her finger, smeared yet- its diamond unmistakably distinct.

My eyes sting with an agonizing burn with a throbbing ache in my head. She-

Her hand slides away from mine and they take her away, as I stand watching.

"Plea-se-" The word comes out whispered to no one, but I can't lose her- not like this.

It feels as if a large metal wall is falling on me every passing second, and I'm holding it up on my hands, screaming, slowly crumbling down.

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