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“So class, now we are going to continue with the basics of logarithms and transformations…“

It’s gonna be a day worth remembering, I promise.

What did he mean? My head is clouded with innumerable unanswered questions and confused thoughts as I struggle to concentrate on my second class of algebra today and the previous three periods had been no different.

And the presence of that one troublesome male a few rows behind me is aggravating my situation. When did he even take algebra? Does he even study here? Study as is not ‘come to college cause his name is on the roll’. Study as in ‘open the book and read and understand and remember’.

“Hey, you listening to him?” Lily whispers beside me and I scoff. As if. I wouldn’t like algebra on my brightest and sunniest of days with a crystal clear mind, let alone today. Whoever created math? The only thing worse than spilt chocolate ice cream.

“You think?” I reply with an eye roll.

“Yeah, must be busy reminiscing the moment.” I glare at her angrily as I know full well which moment she’s referring to. She smiles hesitantly before checking out her watch once again.

“I can’t wait for lunch break.”

“Makes two of us.” Food is definitely one thing I need right now. One thing to take my mind off from all these--- uh, experiences.

“Hey, where’s your locket?” I look down in shock and move my fingers around my neck to indeed find my locket missing. I look around my desk and the floor, but to no avail. A gripping worry fills me as I suddenly stand up, making unwanted noise. No, no, no, no, no!

“Ah, anything troubling you miss?” All eyes turn to me as I see the teacher waiting for me to answer.

“Uh, I’m sorry, I need to use the restroom, professor. I’m not quite feeling well.” I must have dropped it somewhere. I need to find it as soon as possible.

“Good gracious then, off you go!”

I literally run out of the class stressing my mind to remember everywhere I’ve been. I reach the way towards the administration wing I had been to, earlier in the morning and desperately look for my it.

I can’t lose it. I can’t lose it.

Celia had an arm around me holding the umbrella above us and silently crying as I stand clutching my jacket around me. It’s cold today. Excessively. I quietly check my pocket to assure myself of the three chocolate bars I carried. A big one for myself, one for Celia and one for mom. She loves dark cocoa. She always said that chocolate eases anxiety.

Dad is standing ahead of us, the rain drenching him. No one would tell me anything. Dad said we had to go to the church. All around me, people are looking strange. There’s a big wooden box in front and the Father in the white dress, is saying something.

Everyone prays silently and he lifts up the lid of the box. I tug on Celia’s dress, asking her who was in there. But she just cries.

I don’t like this place. I want to go home.

I lift my head up slightly to sneak a peek at the box-

Mommy-y-y-y!!!!!” I shriek out wildly as I recognise the face lying still inside the box with closed eyes. What is he doing there? Is she… Is she dead?

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