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I take a seat on the nearby cemented raising and take out the food I had saved all day. He casually comes over and sits beside me, looking anywhere but at me. I pass on the foil box to him and his eyes sparkle and a smile erupts as he sets his eyes upon them.


“Great. Spoon?”

“I don’t have one.”

“What? How am I supposed to eat it then?”

“I have to figure out every damn thing? Use your hands for all I care.”I hide my amusement at his silent difficulty, before speaking up again.

“I just have one, and plus it’s dirty so-“ I had dropped it earlier while waiting in the football court and I had not washed it as well. So it was true, but his predicament is just too hilarious.

“Give whatever you have, come on.” He rolls his eyes. Okay, if you want to play it like that, Scott. I hand him the fallen spoon, waiting to see his reaction when I notice him almost using it. I smack down his hand immediately and snatch away the spoon, before rinsing it and handing it back to him. Things I do for this human being.


“You’re impossible.” He digs in the food and almost moans in delight and I silently sit, watching him eat. His jaw moves slowly while chewing, his eyes, bathed in delight. I must be looking like a lovesick puppy right now, but then I realise that even a normal action like eating can be so beautiful, when done by someone special. And here I thought I was angry.


“I still can’t believe you made me wait the entire lunch break, alone. And you’re ignoring it like it never happened.”

“I’m sorry sweetheart, really I am. I was called to the Principal’s office for that upcoming sports event that you haven’t a clue about. I was on my way when I had to change ways, couldn’t inform.” He justifies, his voice somewhere muffled due to the mouthfuls of lasagna stuffed in his mouth. And just like that, every shred of my anger dissipates. I don’t like myself sometimes.


“This is actually good!”

“Why else do you think I had Celia make it. It’s a birthday special.” He nods, smiling in approval and I really couldn’t ask for more.

I notice Matt coming over, almost ruining our moment, when Hardin turns slightly towards me, actively shielding his food. Well, ‘my’ food.


“Seriously dude, I’ve been looking all over for you. And you’re really going to eat that all alone?”

“Of course I will. What makes you think I’ll share. It was brought just for me!” I don’t really understand what to make of everything he said, if anything at all. But it sure does fill me with strange bubbly giddiness. My smile gets wider as I spot a small pride and taunting amusement in Hardin’s eyes. He knew it was exclusive. And it was.


“Here, take it. I have to run. I’m running late.” He hands back the food to me, some of it remaining.

“Wha-, at least finish it, Hardin.”

“No, I really can’t. Mom’s gonna make me lunch and if I don’t eat that full, she’ll want an explanation.”

He says with an uneasy apology, nervousness lingering behind his words and I chuckle at how adorable this actually sounded.Hardin Scott and mom’s lunch. Who knew?

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