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I go tense. My eyes widen in shock and my nerves start running havoc.

“Trevor. Are you su-“

“Yes, Tessa, I’m sure. It was just us, and Angie in the house. I brought you back from the club, you had some water and-“

Fuck. My face goes dead pale. Trevor’s words fall upon me like a thunderbolt and I feel panic, slowly surfacing over.

I was with Trevor? That was all, with TREVOR? Hardin wasn’t here? He didn’t- I-

Trevor Matthews huh? The best friend, classic.

I feel so sick right now. I have just, cheated on Hardin. I don’t care what he does, but I have cheated on him. And I am not, this person. I am not-

How- how is it possible? I remember Ha- he even called me Russo again I don’t-

“And I didn’t wake you up before leaving because you needed the rest.

It wasn’t just the drink, turns out it really was LSD. In a heavy dosage. The doctor called it. It’s a hallucinogen. And hence…”

I don’t hear the rest of his words as my mind once again goes on a roll. I was indeed drugged. With a heavy dosage.

And Hardin had given me that. A hallucinogen. I had hallucinated Hardin, when I was actually with Trevor. I feel horrible.

He has hurt me so many times, in the past and I had always forgone it because I love him. But this, this is just too much.

Anything, could have happened. For all I know, that grim looking guy was almost on his way to ensure that. And all this because he wanted to stay and drink, because he didn’t want me interfering?

I have to talk to him.

“Trevor, I- uh…”


I take a moment to think, if I should tell him. But then I decide against it. I feel so awful, he doesn’t- he doesn’t deserve this.

“Good luck for the game.” I can sense him smiling while I am hell bent on confronting Hardin today. He needs to give some answers.

Even though he hated people telling him what to do. I hang up and drink one last glass of water before standing up to leave.

“Oh, oh dear, but Mr. Matthews is right. You need to rest you-“

“Yeah Mr. Matthews is always right. Thank you Angie, but I have to talk to someone.”


I get out of the cab and walk inside the school. It’s almost sunset and the cheering within the building tells me that the team has qualified for the finals.

At this point, I just want to sit in one of the stands, with Lily and some cheese popcorn and simply enjoy a game. I have had so much drama going on, I want my life to become boring now. I pace fast, across the administrative wing, when I hear a voice.

“Tessa, hey, wait up, I need to talk to you.”

“Later, Lily.”

“No listen it’s important.”

“I have to talk to Hardin okay, so whatever it is, it will have to wai-“

“Why didn’t you tell me you were drugged, are you okay?” I halt in my tracks. Lily catches up to me and I turn to her sharply.

“How did you-“

“Sofia did it. She wanted to drug Hardin. Her friends were talking about how you got it instead. In the washroom, apparently they didn’t know I was inside.”

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