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“Okay listen, I want you to calm down. And tell me what happened?”

“Hardin is drun-k. He’s gone mad-“ Shit.

“I’m coming.”

I hang up and run out the door instantly, tying my hair up in a bun, just taking my cell phone and some money with me. I book a cab and burst my knuckles nervously.

“Scott Mansion. 512, Upper Side. I’m in a hurry.”

Be okay, please. Everything, please be okay. Hardin has hurt enough. Himself and others. And I just don’t want him to anymore. He has to be okay.

It takes me thirty minutes and I reach the place, looking completely peaceful, not giving away anything that might be going inside. I walk straight in through the door.


A loud clanking and shattering of glass on the wall beside my head shocks me to the core as I gasp and clutch my chest, while stumbling backwards. Holy hell!

I take a few scared steps inside and Brit instantly runs into me, hugging me tightly. She cries onto my shoulder, shaking with fear. I rub her back and then look front, only to feel her fear too.

Hardin is kicking the wall, violently and throwing away all the stuff around.

Glasses fall down with loud noises and the table cloth slides away messily. He finishes the liquid in his hand and then goes on to throw the bottle too! God.

I leave Brit, to walk up to him, to try to get him to stop, a bit afraid myself.


I am cut off as he throws a vase down and I jump. I run a hand through my hair, and swallow nervously, trying to put up a tough front.

“Stop it, Hardin.” I say out louder and he turns to look at me, angry and dangerous. His face is full of disgust and hatred and I shudder. I have never seen Hardin with so much of negative emotions on his face. It’s immeasurable detestation. Raw fury. Hardin looks like he could kill.

I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit, when he looks at me like that.

Blood gushes through his hands unrestrained and then I suddenly realise that, only, he’s not looking at me.

I follow his gaze behind me to find two people standing, with horror struck faces, one male and one female, who seem to just walk in the door I entered through.
I recognise the female in a heartbeat.

“Hardin, what on earth is going on here?!” The man booms out angrily and Brit retracts.

“Just what we needed. No meetings to be in? Dad?” Hardin paces out to reach him in two long strides, passing me and roars venomously.

And I stand stunned to the core. This, is his father?

“Have you lost your mind?” The man replies yet again authoritatively, not backing away, while the woman seems equally shocked.

“I didn’t know the right was exclusive to you.”

“Watch your tone!”

“Son, are you drunk? You’ve hurt yourse-“ Finally Mrs. Scott speaks out, her voice somewhat softer and concerned, yet sophisticated and classy.

“Shut up! Just shut up! Cut the act, okay? Nobody’s watching!” He shouts too loud this time, moving dangerously towards her, and I rush to hold him back before he hurts her. Fuck.



It all happens too fast.

I cry out, holding on to his arm with all my might, and he stops somewhat. Brit gasps loudly and Mrs. Scott stumbles behind.

CHOICES (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now