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That indeed does leave me, without an answer. Because I know he’s right. Hardin may have been sickeningly irritating, but I did get distracted. Which was indeed a welcome change.

“Now, don’t spend brains and energy for that as well. You should be saving some for the Revealing.” My thoughts pause midway and just like that, I’m thrown back into the worry, that happened to be reality.

“The what?”

“The Revealing? The formal consent and announcement of all the candidates up for the election? Tomorrow?” My mind is literally not ready to swallow that absurd piece of information.

“Please don’t tell me they bloody named something “THE REVEALING.” What is even this? Macbeth premiere?” Is that even a word? I mean, yeah it’s a word in the dictionary, but then how does it even relate to this milennium?

“Oh, trust me they did. But I think you should actually be worrying about a bigger issue.”

“Can we do with my not knowing it please?” Honestly, I don’t know when all of this even stops.

“Well, you’ve got to have an answer when they ask you, right?” I scrunch up my eyebrows in obvious confusion. This just keeps getting better.

“Ask me? What do they have to ask?”

“Wow, apparently you know nothing.”

“Obviously Matthews . I didn’t even know they named something ‘the Revealing’!”

“Alright, calm down. So tomorrow, we’ll be having a full batch assembly at the auditorium. The names of all the students contesting for the core membership are announced. And you have to answer if you’re willing. It’s more like a formal consent and public announcement.

So the students, kind of, know the candidates. Followed by the elections and then the results.”

I close my eyes and rest my head on my table with my hands covering my face. I want out. I so want out of this place.

“Can’t I just withdraw?” I ask, my voice all muffled and not that clear but Trevor seems to have heard me.

“Uh, no. Once the name’s submitted, you’re officially in. And the only option that remains is to negate at the reve-, the announcement. No one, does that, really.”

I groan yet again, banging my fist on the table and earning a few looks from around.

So basically, I have to attend this too populated a gathering, for an announcement that I didn’t volunteer for, and submit my unwillingness towards the election – which is not the usual practice. Talk about having Lady Fortune. And I thought Karma was bitch enough.

“I guess I hate to leave you with your thoughts but I better be going. Basketball practice is due and I’m really running late. And try not to worry yourself to death. Or get in trouble.” I look up as he shuffles through his duffel bag and gets ready to leave.

“I’ll manage.” And just like that he’s out the door, not before offering a small it-will-be-okay smile.

I can’t help but think how he’s so good at goodbyes. And then there’s Hardin.

Don’t bother, I have places to be. Will he ever learn? I sigh, nodding my head no.

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