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“Uh, shall we?” I turn sharply to see Trevor waiting, looking between us, with the same distant expression I didn’t understand either.


I walk away without looking back at him and for the most part of the ride, I keep quiet, my head resting against the headrest, eyes closed.

“You know, Lily was probably just looking out for you.”

“By submitting my name for an election I didn’t even volunteer to contest? Yeah, looking out for me.” I reply with my eyes till closed.

“She wanted you to contest.”

“I hate to disappoint her.”

“A lot of us wanted you to.”

“Well then, I hate to disappoint the whole lot of you.”

I hear Trevor sighing beside me and I almost feel bad for him, trying to put me up to something I don’t want to do. He probably has the best intentions. And then, so does Lily.

“Which turn next?”

He pulls up before the apartment and I look over at him to find him already looking, with a sad smile.

His hand is still on the steering wheel and his hair is the same mess that always manages to look good. His eyes are a stunning blue and it’s now that I realise that I haven’t nearly paid attention to how good looking he is.

“Yeah, I know I look too good for the eye to hold back.” I chuckle lightly with a small smile.

“What makes you think that?”

“Apparently, you do. With your insatiable staring.” I blush embarrassingly and instantly look away, as I realise I have been caught in the act. Yeah, well not all of us are Hardin.

“I wasn’t – staring.”

“It’s okay, Tessa . Anytime.” He flashes the dimpled smile and I almost feel happy, except the thought that I’ll have to face Lily shortly.

“Thank you for the lift.”

“Anytime that too.” I pass on a last smile to him, before sliding off.

I hear his door open and turn to look at him walk up to me, slow and easy. His red and blue checkered shirt fits him perfectly while his sleeves ended at his elbows, highlighting his green veins. He reaches up to me and takes my hand into his gently while looking down.

His touch is warm and comforting, just like himself. His move takes me by surprise, however. I blush immediately and just on cue, he raises his face where I spot those blue eyes I had recently gotten to adore, and licks his lips.

“I don’t know what happened in your life and I won’t push you to share it tonight. But Theresa -“

He inches closer holding my face with his other hand with a feather touch and his eyes hold so much sincerity that I get scared. His thumb weaves gentle circles and caresses over my knuckles.

“-just try to be alright. That’s all.” I look on, astounded.

He didn’t want to know. He just wanted me to be okay. We stand in the same position, long enough and I almost start to feel that I’ve not had a shitty day. He removes his touch, slowly and painfully and I weirdly find myself missing it.

And with a final look he gets into his car while I fight back a tear, releasing a breath I didn’t know I had been holding. I catch Trevor, making off and in the moment, silently feel.

CHOICES (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now