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Small announcement at the end of the chapterrr

I look up at my boyfriend, Adam. He’s hovering over me and pinning me down. My heart starts beating faster, though I’m not sure it’s a good thing.

He has a look in his eyes that makes me worry he wants to take this further than just kissing.

And I suppose it’s my fault I never told him sooner. Maybe then I wouldn’t be here, about to tell him in the worst possible timing.

“What’s wrong, Jameson? Flustered?” He asks with a smug grin.

Well. Here goes nothing.

“I- Uh- I’m asexual.”

Adams grin fades and is replaced with a look of confusion. I take it as a cue to explain further.

“Asexual means a lack of sexual attraction. I don’t feel sexual attraction. I don’t want to have sex. Ever. With anyone,” I explain, quickly with a quiver in my voice.

After multiple moments of watching the gears turn in Adam’s mind, he finally seems to understand as he scrambles off me, “Oh my god. I’m so sorry!” I shake my head, “No, no. It’s fine.” He shakes his head too. “No, I shouldn’t have done that. I’m really sorry.”

He looks incredibly worried as he rambles on about how sorry he is. I sit up and face him. “Hey,” I cut him off. “It’s alright.” He looks up, sheepishly with red cheeks. “How could you have known? I should’ve told you sooner.”

We go quiet, my mind racing. I assume Adam’s is too.

“So, um,” I start, nervously. “If you wanna, like, break up…? I totally get it cause-“ “Break up??” Adam’s eyes flash with a sense of urgency. “No! No no! Unless you… I mean-“ Adam stops himself and takes a quick breath. “The last thing I want is to break up.”

I raise an eyebrow, “Are you sure?” “Yes! Why wouldn’t I be?” I shrug my shoulders, “I dunno. Most relationships I’m in end because of this. It just seems like it’s a pretty important thing to most people.”

“I love you. I love you because I love hanging out with you. And I want to hang out with you forever. I don’t need sex, nor do I need it to love you. You’re great, Jameson.”

I feel my heart starts to race again, only this time it feels much better.

“You really mean that?” I ask. Adam nods and smiles, “Of course I do.”

I breathe a sigh of relief, my face growing a little warm. “Thank you so much, Adam.” Adam smiles and nods, “No problem. And again, I’m super sorry.” I chuckle, “It’s okay.”

Adam rests his hand over mine, watching as he rubs my hand, gently.

"We could... Go cuddle on the couch instead?" Adam suggests. I nod and turn my hand over to hold his, standing up from our bed. Adam follows my lead, to the couch with a small smile on his face.

I walk him to the couch silently and sit down with him, then resting my head in his lap.

Adam chuckles and starts playing with my hair, “You’re adorable.” I giggle to myself hearing Adam mutter the compliment shyly.

“I love you,” he whispers just loud enough for me to hear. “I love you too,” I whisper back.

It's pretty short but uh yeah.

Basically just wanted to re-come out cause yeah? I'm asexual and omniromantic :)

Just thought it'd be worth saying since I've previously said I'm bisexual.

Oh and one last thing, I'm trying out using xe/xem/xyrs pronouns along with they/him. So if you could use those it'd be greatly appreciated.

I hope you liked this chapter and uh yeah. See you in the next oneeeeeeeee byeeeeee

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