twitter rumour

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"What the f..." Adam stares at his phone screen, cogs and gears slowly turning in his brain.

Twitter is its usual bin of mediocre opinions on fire but something has caught Adam's eye. Something that breaks Adam's heart just at the thought. The thought that James and his girlfriend have broken up. But is shreklover69 a reliable source for news on his best friend's romance life? He knows anything said on Twitter should be taken with a grain of salt. Yet he still finds himself chewing his nails, pondering the idea.

How could they have broken up? Last he saw them they were laughing and joking around, holding hands and kissing (which Adam complained about plenty of times. He's happy for his friend but goddamn it makes him feel single).

Does James not feel like he can talk to Adam about this stuff? Is he upset? Too upset to reach out?

Or is he busy cuddling with his girlfriend while shreklover69 spreads false information on the internet?

He closes twitter and heads to his phone app. With fast fingers, he types in James' contact ('loser poopyhead man aka jameson') and taps the call button. It buzzes softly in his ear a few times then stops, James' tired voice answering.

"Hello...?" He mumbles.

"James, hey. Are you okay? What's going on?" Adam asks urgently.

"Huh? Uh... Hi... I'm fine... mostly tired," he laughs groggily.

"So... You and GIF are fine?"

"Me and GIF?" James repeats. "Yeah. Yeah of course. Why?"

Adam finds himself breathing a sigh of relief.

"Oh, good. No reason," he smiles. "Just... okay. Yeah. Cool."

"You're being weird, man."

"Rude," Adam rolls his eyes. "Nah, I just... Some rando tweeted that like— that you and GIF broke up...? And I just kinda got worried."

"Wh— broke up? No!! She's right here. She's asleep right now. We stayed up all of last night binge re-watching the dark crystal."

"You two are nerds," Adam laughs. "But I'm glad you're good. Shreklover69 had me worried."

"Listen, dude. It's sweet you're worried about us but like, in what world would a Twitter user named shreklover69 know anything about me or my relationship," James says.

"You're right. I guess I just didn't think too hard about anything except if you were okay or not," Adam's voice lowers, not usually being one to voice his concern for friends.

"Aw, Adam," James coos. "That's so sweet. You do care about me!"

"Yeah, yeah, alright," Adam scratches the back of his neck. "I'm gonna go now. Say hi to GIF for me."

"Sure, thing. I'll let her know you were worried about us."

"Hey, no— Don't do that!!" Adam's face burns.

"Okay bye, Adam!!"

"James, I swear to Go—"

Adam's phone beeps. The line ended.

"Great..." Adam mutters as he pulls his phone from his ear.

But he can't help but smile. James tends to have that effect on him. 

short one cuz im sick.  fingers crossed for a negative covid test but kinda lost my sense of smell i think o_o

anyway uh hope you enjoyed the boys bein sappy dorks <3

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