❄ Snowball fight ❄

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Joyful shrieks filled the air.  Snowflakes delicately drifted by as James and Adam engaged in an intense snowball fight. James was crouching behind a small mound of snow, rolling more balls of ice until a snowball flung over James' head followed by Adam groaning and joking in an exaggerated tone, "Oh no! I've run out of ammo!" James smiled and jumped up, pelting Adam with all of his prepared snowballs. Adam laughed more with his hands in front of his face. James threw his last snowball and Adam lost his balance. He stumbled backwards and fell laying in the snow. James laughed as he walked over to his friend and flopped down next to him, exhausted. The laughter had settled and they lay in silence, starting up at the sky. James felt content until Adams's hand landed on top of his. James was confused but figured it was just a mistake and waited for him to move. But he didn't. James attempted to move his hand but felt Adam move his own hand to properly hold James'. James felt himself heating up even in the freezing snow. "You know James? I've been meaning to tell you something for a while..." James stayed silent, tense and confused. "I stressed and dwelled on it for weeks, but I realised it's simple." A strong gust of wind blew past them and Adam waited a moment for the wind to settle again. "All I need are these 4 words..." Adam turned his head to James and he did the same. They stared into each other's eyes as Adam took a deep breath.

❤°•°❤•°•"I love you." •°•❤°•°❤

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