tough guy adam

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hello everyone!!! its been a while since i posted and tbh i havent written anything of james and adam lately. i do have some old stuff i can post but my brain has latched onto the sonic movies and the little gay villains so its all ive been thinking about lately hahahah

im sure ill latch back onto the homies in the future but when? whos to say. my stobotnik brainrot is pretty strong...

i wanna quickly talk about the content im writing at the moment as well. im definetly drifting away from this ship. i dont think ill be writing much or any romance stories of james and adam anymore. doesnt mean no writing, just more platonic stuff :) which i prefer for them and i think it fills in the lack of platonic stuff online

i do have a lot of really old romantic unfinished stuff that i could put in the scrapped oneshot book if anyone is interested tho

anyway thats all from me. enjoy this fic inspired by the adam demon headcanon UnipieWrites came up with :)

“And I guess I’m just, like, super greatful to have you guys in my life,” James smiles, fiddling with his lemonade can. 

His friends ‘aw’ and Jaiden and Rush place a hand on his shoulder. 

“I’m grateful for you too, James,” Rush smiles. “Thanks for helping me pay my bills.” 

The group laugh, some people leaning back and lying down on the living room floor. 

“Wow, okay then. Be that way,” James scoffs. 

“I’m kidding, bro!! You’re actually super cool. Thanks for, like, everything.” 

The both smile at each other and nod. 

Vidcon always brings out the emotional side of James and his friends. They’re always so busy or so far away. So when they get to meet up at Vidcon it’s the highlight of James’ year. 

“What the fuck is happening in here,” Adam stands in the doorway of the kitchen, holding a new can on beer. “I leave for two seconds and you get all sappy?” 

James giggles and pats the spot next to him on the floor. 

“Nah, I’m good,” Adam scoffs. 

James shrugs and looks over his face. 

His usual scorn wrinkles up his face in disgust, which makes James laugh. 

“You’re funny, Adam.”

“I didn’t say anything,” Adam frowns. 

The room snickers softly. 

“No, you– you’ve always got that tough guy face on. It’s funny.” 

“Tough guy face? It’s just my face,” Adam narrows his eyes on James. 

“But we all know you’re a total softie. It’s cute. And funny,” James grins slyly. 

“I’m– I am not cute. Or a softie,” Adam furrows his eyebrows. 

“You are. Remember that time you beat me at Mario Kart and I pretended to be upset? Then you thought I was actually upset and apologised ten times.”

“Wh– no that’s–” 

“It was so sweet and I had to make sure you were okay eventually because you were so worried I wasn’t.”

“Shut up,” Adam mumbles. 

“Aww, he’s embarrassed,” Rebecca teases. 

Adam’s eyes flicker and he takes a defensive step backwards. A shiver shoots up his spine and his tail twitches. 

“Everyone, shut up,” Adam growls. 

Everyone laughs and continues telling their favourite stories about Adam. 

When Jaiden found him cuddled up with Thurnis on the couch, mumbling about choccy milk. The time Adam invited everyone to lunch and a movie and refused to let anyone else pay. The thoughtful gifts he buys people. 

“GUYS!” Adam’s voice cuts through the air. 

The attention of the entire room turns to Adam, who’s face and horns are a bright red. 

“Please!! Just– stop. Stop talking.” 

“We just wanna make sure you know how much you mean to us, dude," Christian watches his nervous fidgetting. 

“Yeah!” James agrees, enthusiastically. “We love you man.” 

Adam perks up, his shoulders tensing and face feeling extremely hot. 

“Damnit, Jameson,” Adam sighs. 

“Wha–?” James pauses when he notices a swift movement across the floor. 

He looks down and Adam’s tail is excitedly sweeping across the floor. The entire room lets out a chourus of gasps as they notice Adam’s tail. 

Adam scrambles to grab his tail and hold it still, but to no avail. His tail continues to flick back and forth in his hands, too long to contain. 

“Oh my god,” Rebecca mumbles, her hand covering her mouth. 

“I’ve never seen your tail do that!!” Christian watches in awe. “Are you like a dog? Are you doing that because you’re happy?” 

James beams and watches Adam clutch his tail close to his chest. 

“That’s so sweet!! You do care about us!” James stands up and throws himself at Adam, pulling him into a hug. 

“You don’t think it’s… weird?” Adam mumbles into James’ shoulder, letting go of his tail to hug James back. 

“No! Of course not!” James leans back, letting his hands linger on Adam’s shoulders. “It’s fine, dude. We’re your friends. We won’t judge you. You’re the coolest demon I know.” 

Adam chuckles and glances down at his shoes. 

“Aren’t I the only demon you know?” Adam asks, looking back up to James’ eyes. 

“Yeah, but I know any other demons out there will never live up to your awesome-ness.” 

A smile tugs at Adam’s mouth, which makes James giggle. When James steps back and looks down, Adam’s tail is flicking back and forth even faster than before. 

“You’re more awesome,” Adam mumbles through his smile. “All of you are.” 

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