don't forget

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oops my fingers slipped and i accidentally wrote a heartbreaking superhero au

"James," Adam mumbles weakly.

He tilts his head slightly to meet his partner's eyes. As explosions echo through the city Adam remembers all that he's gone through with James. University and stumbling through adulthood together. Up until they developed superpowers. Inconvenient at the time. Difficult to control. Confusing and stressful. But like everything they got through it together.

"Yeah?" James responds, wiping away a drop of blood trickling down Adam's face.

"Whatever happens," he groans and clutches his side. A throbbing pain shoots through him every time he moves.

They did so much. Helped so many people. Adam thought they'd be doing that for so much longer. But now it's dawning on him that what he thought was going to be a regular Tuesday has turned out to be the end. The end of life and the end of James and their beautiful companionship. Ever so strong and trusting.

"Don't forget."

"Don't forget?" James repeats in a hushed tone, gripping onto Adam's hand tightly. "Don't forget what?"

As Adam blinks he feels his eyelids begging him to let them close for the last time. His own grip on James' hand loosens as he loses his strength.

"Adam, please," James begs, moving to sit next to Adam and resting his hands on Adam's face. "Don't forget what?"

Adam vaguely registers James' gloves trailing over his skin and smiles. They've always been a pair fond of physical touch. They care about each other more than any other person in the world. They always have and always will. Adam knows that. James does too.

"Don't forget tha—" Adam's throat scratches and he explodes in coughs.

His eyes fall shut and he tries to stifle the coughs.

"That I love you," Adam finishes.

He opens his eyes to look at James and sees the tears resting in his eyes.

"I love you. And— And you're my best friend. And when I'm... gone... I don't want you to forget that."

"Oh, Adam," James bursts out in tears and buries his head in Adam's chest.

His sobs echo around them. Adam shakily raises a hand to rest on the back of James' head, stroking his fingers through James' matted hair.

"Don't miss me too much. Okay?" Adam attempts a chuckle that only prompts more coughing. "I want you to keep going. I don't want you to stop doing the things you love. Keep going. For me."

He knows his words won't help James through the coming months. James is fragile. He can easily fall into a state of emptiness where he does nothing, speaks to nobody, and goes nowhere. He just hopes that he'll come out the other side.

"Adam, just— Just hold on. The ambulance is coming," James whispers.

"There's not enough time, Jameson," Adam smiles softly.

"I don't want you to go. Don't go," tears pour down James' face, washing the blood on his face away with them.

"I know... just remember..." Adam's eyes fall shut.

James' cries grow fainter and fuzzier. He loses the strength to reopen his eyes and his hand stops stroking James' hair.

"I... I love you... bud," Adam breathes out.

His chest rises for the last time and falls still. James wails and hugs Adam's body close to him. He's gone. James is alone. Left to face the press on his loss, left to defend the city by himself, left without his best friend.

"I love you too," James mumbles through his sobs. 

my bad ;0

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