A Dream Come True

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Got some fun news at the end of the chapter!! Stick around for that! :D 

Adam wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him, cuddling with me. I smile and curl my feet up as Adam pulls a blanket over us.

We lay happily, a couple of people walking around the cozy room we're in. I ignore them and focus on Adams body pressed against mine.

This is the nicest thing I've experienced in a long time. Suddenly it feels like I have no problems. Like the only thing that matters is Adam. And that he's here with me.

I sigh happily and roll over to hug Adam. He smiles and takes me under his arm and kissing my forehead.

I look into his eyes and he looks back at me. Adam starts leaning closer to my face so I lean closer too.

My lips curl into a smile as we get closer and closer until I abruptly lose the sense of Adams body next to mine.

I roll onto my back and rub my eyes. Once I open my eyes and look around I notice I'm not in the cozy room with Adam anymore. I'm in my dull room, cold and alone.

It was a dream...

A dream?

Did I really just dream of cuddling with Adam? God damn is that pathetic.

I wish that was real. I've always wished I could hang out with Adam like that, rather than as buddies.

Now I wanna talk to him... maybe I should? 

I grab my phone and shoot him a quick good morning on Instagram.

Almost immediately I get a response.

"Hey. What's up, Jameson?" I read his message out. Jameson. I love it when he calls me that. It always makes me feel warm and fluffy inside. It truly makes my heart soar.

"Just thought I'd say hi," I mutter to myself as I type out a message.

Adam quickly replies and we end up talking for an hour.

Out of nowhere, Adam asks if he can tell me something. I quickly say sure, hoping it's him confessing something even though I hate myself for hoping that.

"I really like you," I smile as I read out the message, "Like, a lot. Not a day passes where I don't think of you."

My heart skips a beat as I watch him continue typing.

"And I just wanted to let you know that I love you."

My heart does loops.

He loves me? Like for real??

"Oh well," I try to reply coolly, in case the I love you was more of a bro love, "I love you too, dude. You're a great friend."

Adam types and once he replies I have to re-read the message multiple times to make sure I'm not still dreaming.

"No, I don't think you understand. I love-love you. As in, I want to hold your hand type I love you. I want to kiss you until I lose my breath kind of I love you. I want to cuddle with you in bed kind of I love you."

My face is a bright red as I register his message. How does someone respond to that?

I take a deep breath and form a reply.

"Well, in that case, I love you too."

I anxiously watch him type again, grinning like the worlds biggest dork. "Well that's good to hear," Adams next text reads. 

I honestly don't know what to say now. I'm still in shock. I watch the screen intently, hoping he'll say something else. 

"Wanna come over?" 

I accept the invitation, not hesitating for a second. Adam gives me a time and I immediately hop up and get ready. 


I take a deep breath and stare at the door of Adams house. It's just Adam. I can do this. With my heart still racing, I knock on the door.

The door is quickly swung open and I'm greeted by Adam, who's looking more attractive than ever. 

"I was wondering how long it would take you to knock," Adam chuckles, "Am I that intimidating?" 

When you're looking like that yes. 

"I- N-no..." "Cool," Adam holds the door open wider for me. I step inside.

"So..." Adam carelessly swoops his hair out of his eyes, making my cheeks flush. "Uh- um..." "Wow. You're really flustered right now," Adam points out with an amused smile. I look to the ground, trying to hide my glowing face. 

"Come on. Let's sit down." Adam walks over to his couch and sits down. I sit a good length away from him. 

Once I'm seated I stare straight ahead, not wanting to look him in the eyes. 

I hear some shuffling before noticing Adam is significantly closer. "Mind if I?..." His arm hovers over my shoulder, waiting for permission. "I-I... sure! Go ahead," I stutter.  

Adam gently drapes his arm around me. 

We sit like this for five minutes until I decide to get comfortable. I bury my head into his chest and bring my knees up onto the couch. 

I hear Adam chuckle before stroking my hair with his hand. 

"You know what's funny?..." I mutter, sleepily, "I actually had a dream about us cuddling last night." 

"Really?" He asks. I can tell he's got a smug grin on his face. "Mhm," I turn my head and rest it on Adam's lap, looking up at him, "You're really pretty." "Am I now?" I nod and close my eyes. 

"Well, you're not so bad yourself." I giggle and smile, feeling Adams fingers brushing through my hair. 

"Why don't I take you out for lunch tomorrow?" Adam asks. 

I nod, "That sounds nice."

"Then it's a date," Adam confirms, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. 

So! Fun news!! I have YouTube channel, and my first video just went up! I linked it at the top of this chapter so check it out? 🥺👉👈

Most of what I post is gonna be Adam related so I figure you guys might enjoy that?

Yeah. Consider checking it out and subscribing if you like the video. And I hope you liked this chapter! Have a good day or night! :D

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