Wishing On Valentines Day

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I open my eyes to my cold sheets. The second I’m awake, I jolt up. It’s valentine’s day. Today’s the day! I get up and get dressed in record time and check my notifications.

It might seem like something important is happening today, but there isn’t. Or at least I’m not certain that there is or isn’t. It’s more like I’m desperately hoping someone will confess to me today.

And by someone I mean one of my friends. And by that I mean my best friend, Adam.

Do I have any evidence that he likes me? No. No I don’t. But am I still hoping he says something? Yes. Yes I am.

I open his Instagram, checking his account. He’s posted a photo of his face super up close, continuing his theme of three weird photos and three normal ones.

This one is captioned ‘Today is a good 😌’

I chuckle and head to his Twitter. I sift through his liked tweets. I’m not sure what I’m looking for. Just anything out of the ordinary. Am I suggesting that I stalk him like this often?... Next question.

After concluding that nothing is different, I stand up and grab myself some breakfast.

If Adam does like me, today would be the day he’d tell me. It just makes sense. This has to be the day. If nothing happens, I’ll know he doesn’t like me. It makes perfect sense.

I sit down at the table and eat my fruit loops. I play my playlist of music that reminds me of Adam while I eat, humming along to ‘King Of My Heart.’

I finish my cereal and head to my couch, bringing a sketchbook and a pencil with me. I set up a romance movie and settle into the couch.

The movie plays in the background as I sketch Adam over a page in my sketchbook.

A while later I look down at my work. I smile, feeling proud of what I’ve drawn. I turn to my phone checking the time.

It’s hours later, 12:35pm. I check my notifications again, sighing as I realise there’s nothing new.

I make myself a sandwich and keep watching the movie that’s currently playing. Once that one ends, I check my notifications again.

Still nothing.

I sigh and sink into my couch, hoping to distract myself with the movie.

Another two hours go by. Still no notifications.

I force myself up off the couch, dragging my feet to my kitchen. I grab a tub of ice cream and a spoon before collapsing back on the couch.

My hope is dwindling, and the loneliness is starting to hit.

Adam isn’t gonna say anything because there’s nothing to say. There’s nothing to confess. My feelings are unrequited and the sooner I accept that the better.

I scoop more ice cream into my mouth as tears well up in my eyes.

I’ll never get my happily ever after like everyone else. I’m doomed to be lonely forever.


A thumping sound echoes in my ears. I open my eyes and look around. My icecream tub is still in my hand, mostly melted and Netflix is sitting on the ‘Are you still watching?’ screen.

I must’ve fallen asleep.

“Hello? Jameson are you home?”

My heart leaps to my throat. It’s Adam? What’s he doing here? At… I glance down at my phone. 8pm. It’s 8pm and Adam’s at my door.

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