it's nice to have a friend

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taylor swift songs are good sources of inspiration haha

"So, uh, this is my little... makeshift studio," I hold my office door open for James and let him step inside.

"Wow, looks pretty good, Adam," he says.

I thank him and walk over to my desk, pulling the chair out for him.

"I'm just gonna... uh..." I try to get to the keyboard and mouse from the side but my microphone and studio light on either side of the desk make it difficult to get past.

I laugh through my teeth and reach my arms to my desk from behind him. My face immediately becomes warm from how extremely close we are.

"Sorry..." I mumble, clicking through my files, struggling to find the project I'd saved earlier today.

Damnit, where is it?? I know I saved it here somewhere!

I click through three more folders before finally finding it.

Oh, thank god.

I open my Pro Tools file and step back and away from James.

"Um, this is the song I've been working on. I just thought maybe you could listen through it and let me know what you think?" I grab the drawstrings on my hoodie and fiddle with one.

"Oh, yeah sure thing."

James grabs the mouse and clicks the play button at the top of the screen. I notice he's forgotten headphones and quickly grab them and carefully place them over his ears for me.

He turns around, surprised for a moment then smiling at me and turning back to the monitor. He starts the song from the start again and focuses his attention on the music program's timeline.

I bring my hoodie string up to my mouth, chewing on it as I usually do when I get nervous. I have a habit of chewing on things. Pencils, my fingernails, hoodie strings, you name it. If I'm nervous it's my go-to. Which I understand is gross but ever since I was a kid it'd been the most comforting stress reliever. Although, this time it's not making me any less stressed.

James nods his head along to the start of the song, a melody played on a steel drum accompanied by the bass line and some soft backing vocals.

I watch as the track with my vocals on it starts. I notice James smiling in the reflection of my monitor's screen.

I sing along to the song in my head, keeping track of where he's up to.

School bell rings, walk me home

Sidewalk chalk, covered in snow

Lost my gloves, you give me one

"Wanna hang out?" Yeah, sounds like fun

Video games, you pass me a note

Sleeping in tents

It's nice to have a friend

I smile, the memories built into the song creeping back into my mind. I remember when James and I had the bright idea to try camping in his backyard. We only had one sleeping bag so I let him have it and I built myself a bed and cover out of the three spare blankets he had.

Needless to say, I didn't sleep well. But James did and that was enough for me.

Light pink sky, up on the roof

Sun sinks down, no curfew

20 questions, we tell the truth

You've been stressed out lately, yeah, me too

Something gave you the nerve to touch my hand

It's nice to have a friend

Another memory I hold close to my heart. It wasn't as scenic a scene as a sunset on a rooftop, no but it sure felt beautiful to me. Just being in the same room as James, sharing small facts and big secrets was incredible. And the look in his eyes as we talked for hours and hours was just as gorgeous as a sunset. And the way he rested his hand on mine to comfort me sending butterflies roaring through my stomach.

Church bells ring, carry me home

Rice on the ground, looks like snow

Call my bluff, call you "Babe"

Have my back, yeah, everyday

Feels like home, stay in bed

The whole weekend

It's nice to have a friend

I wish that verse were a memory. I'd be the happiest person alive if it were. But it's more so a dream. Maybe one day. Maybe one day I'll be able to call him "Babe" and share a home with him. Live the rest of our lives together and just enjoy each other's company. But I haven't even asked him out. He has no clue how I feel. I can't get to freaking marriage if I can't tell the guy how I feel.

"Woah, dude."

I look up, frantically at the sudden voice. I quickly take the hoodie string out of my mouth before James turns to face me. He pulls off the headphones and turns in the office chair.

"That was... I don't even..."

I hold my breath, fearing the worst.

"Amazing," he breathes out in a whisper.

I blink a couple of times out of shock. I stare at him and he stares at me.

"I mean..." he continues at the same whisper volume, "It was beautiful and so... dreamy..."

My cheeks warm up again at the praise.

"Th-thanks, dude."

"Is it about... you know... anyone specifically?"

My eyes dart away from his eyes and to the floor as I stutter, "Oh- Well, I- Noone in particular."

I look back up at James to see him nod.

"Right. Well, it's so, so, so, so very good. You're really freaking talented."

"Thank you," I say again, holding back a squeal.

The hum of my PC drones on in the background of our stare-off. He's just... looking at me. And I'm looking at him. And god, I wanna kiss him.

I shake my head and turn away from him, "Let's go play some video games." 

jadam oneshots :')Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon