
331 13 18

This chapter is dedicated to SparkyTheElectricCat hsdsjnkjwef (im sorry-)

💞Adam💞: your enthusiasm is oddly cute

I feel my face grow warm. I stare at the keyboard. How do I reply to that??

I go to answer but end up keyboard mashing.

Me: Hdhshjaxjdsj
I was gonna say something but no thoughts, head empty and face highkey red-

💞Adam💞: oo did I make you blush?

My heart flutters.

💞Adam💞: looks like I know how to embarrass you now, hm?

Me: aaa hjkfijnoidnfru

My entire vocabulary flies out the window every time I try to respond. 

💞Adam💞: i hope youre aware I'm going to be using this information to my advantage 

Me: aaa! nooo!

💞Adam💞: hahaha
 its your fault cutie

My lips curl into a dorky smile as I look over our messages. 

💞Adam💞: i hope youre ready baby. now that i know how to embarrass you im not going to stop

I cover my mouth to keep myself from straight up squealing.

Me: Hdhsjwjsbxjsjabdbfkwji
Words suddenly don't exist and all I can think is shajdnfnsnnss

💞Adam💞: i get it sweetheart, it happens when you get embarrassed

Me: Every nickname just hsjajdnfbsba
I feel like my face is never gonna go back to normal shsjskdnsna
My heart is all flutteryyyy aaa-

💞Adam💞: Come on sugar cookie, you have to be strong against this

Me: AA-How many nicknames can you think of???

💞Adam💞: Alot sweet lemon cake, just watch me ❤️

Oh my god. This is driving me insane. But the thing is, I definitely like it. I could get used to it.

Me: I can't-
You're making me all aH-

💞Adam💞: Awww kitten, you gotta get used to this now


💞Adam💞: Are you that fragile flower?

A squeal escapes my mouth watching him come up with so many cute pet names. 

Me: Hdhsjsjfjdhdjsjs
I just made the weirdest squeak bshajsjdakak

💞Adam💞: You need to build up immunity to this, strawberry!

My heart races the fastest I've ever felt. These small words are making me so very flustered yet I don't want him to stop. 

Me: Hdhdjsjsjfjfhsh
I'm- I fjwhanfnnsbaaa
You're making me all soft and aaaaaa-

💞Adam💞: Ah, I love this my little cookie

Me: Hdhshahsndnwjajdbsj
I'm smiling like the biggest dork bshsjsjsjd

💞Adam💞: I wish I could see how adorable you look right now sunflower

I bury my head in my hands out of embarrassment for a second before replying. 

Me: Hsksjsjskskdhbdbehw
How words???

💞Adam💞: Star, you get so embarrassed easily I love it!

My heart flutters in my chest, making me smile even harder. He keeps teasing me, thinking of a new nickname in every reply, until I have to go. 

💞Adam💞: Aww noo! When will you be coming back cupcake?

Me: Hkdhfdsujfkns- I need to go to the supermarket so maybe an hour?

💞Adam💞: okay. ill miss you. dont be gone for long

Me: I'll try to be super speedy!
And I'll miss you too!

💞Adam💞: okay. byee! i love you!

Me: Bye! I love you too!

I read over his words a couple times before turning my phone off and heading to the store, him not leaving my thoughts once. 


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