short oneshots

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some short oneshots for you. a platonic one, romantic one, and an angsty sad boi one for you to enjoy :)

late night calls

The slow buzzing of my phone echoes through my dark room. Once, twice and three times before it cuts off, only to be replaced by the oh-so-familiar voice of my best friend. 

"Hey, Jameson," Adam's voice comes, low and rumbling. 

"Hey, Adam."

My voice is similar to Adam's. We like to call at 1 am and talk each other to sleep. The late time makes both of our voices deeper than usual but Adam's is significantly different from his regular upbeat tone. Each word that falls out of his mouth is slower than usual, smoother than usual, and raspier than usual. 

"How was your day?" Adam asks, voice vibrating in my ears. 

"Good. Did heaps of scriptwriting and now I'm exhausted," I respond, letting my phone slip from my hand. "How about you?"

"I animated a bit. And I'm tired too. My insomnia has hit like it does every two weeks so I've been looking forward to this call. Maybe you can help me fall asleep." 

With the call on speaker mode, I tug my sheets up to my chin and rest my head on my pillow. I close my eyes and smile. 

"I hope I can."

"Me too." 

Some rustling of sheets comes from the speakers of my phone until Adam seems to have gotten comfortable. 

"Did you still wanna catch up tomorrow?" Adam's voice is muffled. If I were to guess, his face is likely buried in his pillow. 

"Yeah. That'd be good." 


"Just a warning," I start then get interrupted by a yawn. "I'm so close to falling asleep. So if I go quiet that's why." 

"Alright," Adam pauses before adding. "I'll be right here on the phone if that's okay with you."

"Mhm," I hum. "Talk in the morning. But don't wake me you insomniac."

Adam laughs at that. "Fine. But I'll be lonely Mr. Waking Up At 11:30." 

I let at a small breath of a laugh, my body too tired to laugh properly. 

"Goodnight, Adam," I say.

"Goodnight, James," comes Adam's reply before I drift to sleep. 

the love of his life

We pull away and James' hand slowly slides down from my face, resting on my chest as I hold him close.

He giggles and looks at me playfully, "You're breathing so quickly."

"Well, what else would you expect?" I retort. "I just kissed the love of my life."

James giggles and buries his head in my chest.

"Oh, no, stop it."

"No, I'm not kidding Jameson."

He just giggles into my chest. I bring a hand to his cheek and guide his head up to look at me. He stares into my eyes, smile fading. We stare at each other until James yanks at my shirt and pulls me into another kiss.

He presses his hands against either side of my face, kissing me as if our lives depend on it. I hold him at his waist, pushing my mouth against his, wanting him to truly understand how much I love him.

When he finally leans back, he leans his forehead on mine, staring at me again.

"God, I love you," I mutter.

James giggles again and drops my face to hug me tightly.

"I love you too."

angsty break-up, sorry besties kjfhslj next chapter is full-on fluff i swear

Adam watches as James scrolls through Instagram. He scrolls through his friend's Instagram, smiling at the pictures of them. It hurts. It hurts because Adam and James had been dating for 5 months. And as much as Adam wants to say it's been the best 5 months of his life he can't. He can tell James likes this person. It's painfully obvious. And maybe it's time to end this. James isn't happy with him.


"Mhm," James hums, turning to face Adam.

"I think... I think this-" Adam gestures between the two of them. "-Isn't working."

James scrunches his nose up.

"What... what do you mean?"

"You don't like me... how I like you. It's so obvious and it kills me to know but you aren't happy," Adam says.

James opens his mouth to protest but Adam jumps in and adds, "Or, at least, you aren't as happy as you could be."

James stares in awe and shakes his head. He grabs Adam's hands in his and squeezes them, looking up at him with wide eyes.

"Adam, no. Please. That's not true."

Adam pulls his hands out of James', holding back the tears in his eyes, "It is, James. I know it and so do you."

James shakes his head, desperately.

"Adam, please listen to m-"

"No," Adam interrupts. "You listen, James."

He sighs and looks away, feeling a tear fall down his face.

"I love you," he looks back. "And I think you're my soulmate. But... I don't think I'm your soulmate."

Tears start pouring down James' face as Adam stands up from the couch and walks towards the door. James tries everything he can to get Adam to come back. Begging, pleading, shouting that he loves him but Adam keeps walking.

It's for the best. 

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