🌾 Blind Date 🌾

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Apparently there's an 'ear of rice' emoji so... naturally that's what I used in the title. 

James' POV
I'm sitting on my couch scrolling through Adams Instagram, possibly drooling, when I hear a knock at my door. Before I can get up to answer the door Jaiden walks inside. "Jaiden? What are you doing here? Did I leave my door unlocked again?" Jaiden marches towards me and grabs my wrist. "Wh- Jaiden!?" Still not speaking, she pulls me up and drags me to my room. "Jaiden!! What the heck is going on??" Jaiden forces me onto my bed and swings my closet door open. "I've set you up on a blind date." My eyes widen. "You did wHaT!?" Jaiden ignores my panicked statement and starts searching through my closet. " Jaiden what did you do?? Who did you set me up on a date with??" "It's a blind date dummy. You're not supposed to know. Here put this on." Jaiden tosses my jeans and my Pokemon shirt at me. "Jaiden just tell me what's happening!" She starts pushing me into the bathroom. "I've already said this. Keep up. You, blind date, compulsory. If you don't go I'll break your knees. Simple." "You'll what?" "Great, glad you're in agreement. Now get ready. And tame that hair!" Jaiden shuts the bathroom door in front of me. Well I guess I don't have a choice... If I wanna keep my knees that is.

I finish getting changed and walk out of the bathroom. Jaiden takes one look at me before rolling her eyes and smirking. "Did you brush your hair James?" I nod, "Yes Jaiden. I did." She gets up, grabs a brush from my bathroom, and orders me to sit down. I follow her orders, hoping to protect my knees. "I think I need to teach you how to brush your hair James. It never looks neat. Ever." "What if I like it like that?" Jaiden ignores my comment. "Alright get up. It's time to go." I sigh and reluctantly follow Jaiden out to her car. 

Jaiden parks her car and smiles sweetly, though something about her smile is off putting. "So this is where I blind fold you." I groan. "Alright let's get this over with..." Jaiden places a piece of cloth over my eyes and ties it behind my head. "Okay, stay there and I'll come round and get you." I sit tight wondering where we are and what Jaiden set up. I hear the door open. "Give me your hand." I carefully put my hand out waiting for Jaiden to take it. Eventually she does and she pulls me out of the car. "Alright, just follow me." I wander forwards, turning when Jaiden tugs me in a different direction. "Okay James, I'm about to take you inside." I nod and hear a door creak open. "I'm back! Both of you need to keep your mouths shut until the blind fold is off if you wanna keep your precious knees." Jaiden leads me through the room, sitting me down. "Alright, you can take your blind folds off now." Nervously reaching to the back of my head, I untie the cloth. I pull it away from my face and look in front of me, only to see the one and only, Adam. 

(this is kind of where i stop being serious so... yee this is very dumb from here on out.) 

My face heats up immediately, and by the looks of it, so does Adams. I turn to the door watching as Jaiden winks at me closing the door. Pushing away from the table I get up to chase Jaiden but I hear a click. She locked the door. She locked... the gOd DaMn dOoR!  I turn back to Adam who's started fidgeting with a fork that was lying on the table The room we're in is pretty small, with a white floor, walls and ceiling. It only has the table and chairs in the middle. The only light is a small candle on the table, which has a few different plates of food on it. I walk back to the table and sit in front of Adam. "Well this is weird..." Adams head shoots up quickly. "Oh uh... yeah." His face is still a bright red. I'm determined not to let Adam know I have a crush on him. Well... I think I'd go as far as to say I'm in love with him. At this point I don't think it's a petty 'crush.' "Well since this is free food why not eat it?" Adam nods so I serve some of the food. "So uh... what've you done today? Other than be dragged her by Jaiden," I chuckle, trying to start a small conversation. "Oh not much... I did a bit of reading I suppose." Glad he answered with something to continue the conversation I smile, "Cool. What were you reading?" Adam stutters a bit. I look up, confused. "Um... just... s-stories..." I chuckle. "Alright, what kinda of stories?" Adam looks like he's thinking really hard. "You know... story stories." I smile, slightly confused. "Story stories huh? Very vague." Adam just nods, as he takes the plate I served with spaghetti for him. I start serving myself some food. "Why can't I know what you were reading?" A smirk spreads across my face as I think of a joke, "Were you reading... fan fiction?" Adam's face is immediately covered in a bright red blush. "Wh- no! Why would- ...No!" I watch as Adam squirms in his seat, stuttering. "Woah, woah, woah. Why are you getting so defensive?" Adam stops speaking. Or, attempting to speak. "Uh- no reason. I was just- playing along with the joke?" He phrased his excuse as a question. He's obviously lying. "I can tell you're lying dude. But I'll let it slide." Adam seems to breathe a sigh of relief as he wraps some spaghetti around his fork. "Why don't you tell me about your day?" Adam asks before placing the spaghetti in his mouth. "Hm... well, I woke up, fed Floof, made a video for my second channel and posted it-" "Oh I saw that!" I can feel my cheeks warm up a little. "You did?" Adam nods. "Yeah. I watched it 47 times-" Adam quickly covers his mouth. A little to late. "47?? Wh-" At this point my whole face is red. This is weird due to 2 things. The first being the fact Adam watched my video 47 times. The second being what he watched 47 times. He watched me, in my fursuit, making some... questionable... noises. (hello it's me, the author. i'd like to turn your attention to 47 seconds into james' recent video on his second channel cause... here i'll just put a screenshot of a comment i saw

 here i'll just put a screenshot of a comment i saw

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I just- mmmmm so weird.... anyway continue on ._.)
Why did he watch that 47 times!? "Why did you watch it so many times?? And were you counting??" Adam takes a deep breath, staring at the table. "I guess cause I'm sort of in love with you..." I'm shocked for a moment before putting on my confident pants. "Sort of? That's a shame cause I'm completely in love with you." Adams eyes dart up to my own. "Wait you are?" I nod and turn to my plate, poking at my food, "But it's a shame you only sort of love me." I hint of regret flashes over Adams face. "Wait no- I- I just didn't think you-" I chuckle and look up, cutting off Adams rambling. "It's fine, I get it." I silently turn back to my food and so does Adam. It's quiet for awhile until Adam whispers, "Uhm... I uh- I love you, Jameson..." His gaze is set on the table as a bright blush spread across his face. I smile and reach across the table, lifting his face up. "I love you too." Adam smiles and giggles. 

The ending is so bad. I mean the whole second half of it's bad. Maybe the first half too lol. It was a good prompt but I didn't bother to write it well. If you wanna write this yourself go ahead. I'd love to see this done well. Oki doki time to go finish all the other stories I've started. ByeEEeEeEee

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