Little A/N

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Hey guys. So I'm having some trouble writing. I dunno what it is but the flow in everything I write is just... aH. This is why I don't have a birthday thing for James. I tried to write one in between school work today but nothing made sense, it didn't flow between parts and I just couldn't get it sounding... to put it bluntly, good. I have a few finished stories from when my writing was still at least half decent and a bunch of half written things. I'll post some of the finished ones but until I can get back into the... rhythm of writing I guess, I'm not gonna write more stuff. I think I need a break? Maybe. I dunno. I have heaps of school work at the moment and is taking all my energy (more emotional energy than physical but my point still remains). I'm really sorry. I mean I don't know if apologising is necessary cause I don't think anyone would be disappointed... anyway yeah. I hope this passes quickly cause it's so stressful not being able to write anything new. *cough* okay so yeah that's that. I'm gonna go cry now. (That was a joke I promise. Hopefully I don't cry haha)

jadam oneshots :')Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora