☀️ A nice day out ☀️

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"Jameson!" I jump. Is that Adam? "Jameson where are you?" I get up and walk out of my room. "I'm here. What're you doing in my hou-" "There you are!" Adam interrupts me, wraps me in a tight hug lifting me off the ground. My face turns red as I try to form a question, "Uh w-what are you- why are you... what??" He chuckles and places me back down. "I'm taking you on a day out." I raise an eyebrow, confused, "Why?" Adam starts walking around my house packing one of my bags. "Cause, you've been working too hard! It's time for a break." I roll my eyes. "Sorry Adam, I really need to get this animation done." Adam grabs my wrist and starts pulling me towards the door. "W-wait!" He doesn't hesitate and continues dragging me to the door. "Fine... Just let me get changed first. I'm not going out in my pyjamas!" Adam lets go of my wrist and smiles warmly. "I knew you'd come around!" Slightly frustrated, I walk to my room to find something to wear. "Wait what are we doing?" I call to Adam from my room. "Just, like, going around town." I continue looking for something to wear. I end up choosing my jeans and a brand-new blue and white striped shirt. I bought a new one cause my other five were starting to fade. What? I like these shirts okay? (A/N I like to believe James just has a whole closet of these shirts. I just think it's funny xD) "You ready Jameson?" I walk out of my room. "Yeah, ready to go." Adam looks at me stunned for a moment before he starts laughing. "What?" Adam points to my head. "I thought you'd notice. You have a bit of hair sticking up!" I roll my eyes as he continues to laugh. "Did I get it?" He shakes his head and gets up, walking over to me. I step back but he just continues towards me and reaches up to my hair. "There you go." He smiles and grabs my hand bringing me to the door, much more gently than last time. He leads me outside to his car, opening the door for me. "You know I can open a car door right?" He nods, "Yeah, but I'm doing it for you today." He walks around to the driver's seat. "Alright let's go!" He starts the engine and starts driving. "Where are we going though??" He laughs, "We're starting with lunch. The rest of the day, you'll find out as it goes." I sigh, "You're being so secretive!" He chuckles, "I suppose..."

"Here we are!" We stop outside a pub. "Oh man, I was expecting to go somewhere like... I dunno burger king?" Adam laughs. "Nope! We're eating here." Adam gets out of the car and runs around to open my door for me. "Dude, you don't need to keep opening my door," "Of course I do! Now come on." I chuckle and shake my head. We head inside and sit at a table in the corner. "So, what do you what do you want? This one looks good." Adam points at something on the menu. "I dunno... I don't wanna spend too much." "No need to worry, I'm paying!" My eyes widen, "Adam why would you do that? You don't need t-" Adam puts and finger over my mouth. "How about the share plate?" I glare at him. "Cool share plate it is!" A waiter comes over and takes our order while I sit and pout, defeated. "Okay, all sorted." I continue to silently glare at him. "Oh, come on Jamesy! Don't be made at me." My face turns red. "J-Jamesy? Another nickname?" He nods, "Yee, thought it sounded cute. I don't have to keep calling you that if you don't want me to." I stare at the table and mutter, "It's fine, I kinda like it..." Adam smirks, but before I can get mad the waiter comes with water.

I have to admit, it's nice having Adam do this for me... But it's not gonna be a habit. I know he doesn't have heaps of money to just spend whenever. I guess that's what's making me feel bad... "James! Do you want the last piece of chicken or no?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts. "Oh, uh you can have it." Adam grins and reaches for the piece. "Thanks Jameson." I smile. It's impossible to not be happy around Adam. He can be so childish sometimes. "So are you ready to go?" I nod and get up to walk back to the car. "So where to next?" Adam smiles and opens the door for me again, "An arcade!" I can't help but feel excited. "It's one o'clock now and the place closes at five so after the arcade there'll be one more place I wanna go. I wanna tell you something." I nod, wondering where and what it could be.

We arrive at the arcade and walk inside. The bright, fluorescent lights almost blind me at first but I get used to them. We look ahead and see a large crowd of people watching someone play a game. As I'm looking over the crowd I see the desk to get game credits behind them. "I think we need to get passed all those people Adam!" I have to shout for him to hear me. Adam nods and takes my hand in his. Before he starts walking he looks to me, "Do you mind if I hold your hand so we aren't split in the crowd?" I stutter for a moment but after taking a quick breath I nod. We start making our way through the crowd and up to the desk. I attempt the wriggle my hand away from Adams but he strengthens his grip. I can feel my face burning but luckily Adam can't see that. With my hand still in Adam's he starts digging in his pocket for his wallet. I watch as he struggles to get it out with one hand. Ah hah! This is my chance to pay. We get closer and closer to the front of the line and I successfully grab my wallet out before Adam. I pay for unlimited credits for both of us before he realises what's going on. "Wh- Hey! I was gonna pay," Adam frowns as I pull him away from the cashier. "Too bad. You already payed for lunch." He seems to quickly realise theres no point arguing with me and shuts up. I smile, victorious, and hand him his card with game credits on it. He takes it with a smile and starts walking over to a whack-a-mole game. He scans his card and lets go of my hand. He looks so focused on this game. His concentration unbreakable and his movements quick. It feels like I blinked and the game was over. The scoreboard presented his score and put it on the leaderboard. "Second place?? Adam you're great at this!" He smiles, "Well all I have to do is imagine the moles are Mikayla Snow" I stare at him for a moment before realising who he's talking about. (Another A/N. In case you don't know a while ago a YouTuber called Mikayla Snow pretended to be James' girlfriend. He called her out and she stopped so that's goooood 👌) "That girls a snake. The only thing that keeps me from tracking her down is that I know you wouldn't want me to." Before I can reply he's already started walking off. I jog to catch up to him. "But Adam-" "Oh look a Tetris game!" I glance up and see him pointing to a game across the arcade. "You're lucky I love Tetris so much." Speeding off to the game, I can hear Adam behind me. I quickly scan my card and start the game. After about five minutes Adam speaks up, "Dude you're so good at this game!" I shake my head. "Not really." I can see Adams confused face out of the corner of my eye, "Not really?? Dude I would've lost ages ago!" I giggle with a red face. "Well uh thanks." Our conversation becomes quiet as I continue to place the blocks. "You can go play something else if you want," I offer, not taking my eyes off the screen. "No way this is mesmerising!" My face turns red again as Adam continues to compliment me. As I get further into the game a small crowd starts to form and eventually the small crowd turns into a big crowd. I glance my eyes to where Adam was, but don't see him there. I turn to one of the kids watching. "Do you wanna take over?" "Free game?? Heck yeah!" The kid quickly gets settled to continue my game. I spot Adam at the back of the crowd and try to make my way over. I'm nearly there but I'm stopped by someone. "You're James from TheOdd1sOut right?" I look down and see a girl, probably fourteen years old. "I, uh, yeah." I look up and can't see Adam. "Are you alright?" I nod, "Just looking for Adam." A different voice speaks up. "Oh is he your boyfriend?~" My eyes dart down and I see, I assume, one of the girls friends. The first girl nudges her friend, telling her to stop. My face is bright red and this fan interaction is getting weird so I push past some people. "Wait James! You didn't answer our question!" I ignore them and eventually make it out of the busy part of the arcade. I look to my right and see Adam glancing down at his phone. I breath a sigh of relief. "Thank god I found you." Adam looks up, "Oh James! Did you lose the game?" I shrug. "I didn't see you so I let a kid finish it. Adam opens his mouth to protest but I continue talking about what just happened. "Then some fans stopped me and asked me a weird question so I walked off to find you." Adam's face turns confused, "What did they ask?" I look to him. "Uh... I told them I was looking for you and they asked..." I try to think of a way I can phrase this as I stare at the ground. Theres no way I can make this less weird. "They asked if you were my boyfriend..." I look up, expecting an oral response but Adams mouth is wide open and I think I see blush on his cheeks but it's hard to tell in the arcade light. "Uh... we should probably go," I say, spotting the fans coming our way. I start walking but Adam doesn't follow. Freaking out I grab his hand and drag him out of the arcade. Half way out he seems to have snapped out of his trance and starts walking properly. We make it outside and I look for somewhere to bit more quiet. I spot a bench behind a few trees in a park across the road so I lead us there. We make it to the bench and sit down. "Well that didn't go as planned." Adam laughs awkwardly. It's quiet for a while as we think about what just happened. "Oh, uh, Adam?" I look over to Adam who nods as he drinks some water from his bottle. "You said you wanted to tell me something?" Adam spits his water out, shocked. "Oh, are you alright??" I place a hand on his back as he looks away from me coughing. Once he stops he sits up and places his face in his hands. "Is something wrong?" Adam shakes his head. "So what is it?" Adam hesitates before clearing his throat. "I uh..." He stutters a bit before mumbling under his breath, "Why did I think I could do this..." I keep my hand on his back in hopes to comfort him. "So I... I like this guy. Well, love this guy." I place a hand over my mouth, "You're in love?? Why didn't you tell me?" He sighs, "Cause I didn't think you'd accept me. I shake my head. "Adam, it doesn't matter who you love. You'll always be my best friend." Adam sighs. "No it's not that part. Its the person I like that I don't think you'd accept." I raise and eyebrow, confused. "James, it's you..." I freeze. Me? "B-but why... me?" He shrugs, not looking at me. "Cause you're kind and caring. You're adorable when you do that little giggle and your smile is contagious. Your scruffy hair is super cute and your jokes always make me laugh. You complete me Jameson and I love you with all my heart..." I listen in awe. I had no idea he felt this way! "...but I understand you don't feel the same and if you don't wanna be friends anymore..." Adam starts to stand up but I grab his hand. "No I love you too Adam." He turns around. "Your the loveliest person I've ever met. You look after me better than I look after myself. You always look amazing and it lowers my self-esteem. But somehow you're still able to make me the happiest person ever when I'm with you." Adam looks at me with blush dusted across his cheeks and a slight smile. Adam sits back down shyly. I've never seen him this shy and nervous. He usually acts so confident and unshaken by everything. Still not looking at me Adam speaks up. "Should- should we g-" I interrupt him, leaning forwards and planting a kiss on his lips. He seems shocked, but doesn't pull away. I smile at the red, flustered mess in front of me. "Yeah, let's go."

Guys! 2k reads!! I didn't think this book would reach that amount of reads! I appreciate every single one of you guys reading. Yes you! Yep you right there! You're amazing and I appreciate it whenever you vote, comment or add my story to a reading list. Thank you so much!! :D

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