The bois

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This took a while to finish but here it is! I'd like to ask you to please please please stick around till the end because I have something very important to tell you. Thanks!

tHE bOis
Jaiden: yo guys lets meet up today
Rebecca: Yeah, that sounds good. Is everyone else free?
Adam: catch up? hell yeah let's do it
James: I'm free from 10am
James: Anytime after that is good for me
Maaz: Same
Jaiden: how bout 10 then?
Rebecca: Great. Meet at the regular coffee shop?
Adam: ye I'm good with that
Jaiden: awesome
Jaiden: see ya there
James: Yup
Maaz: 👍

Awesome. Finally some human contact. I'm a rare type of animator that people refer to as an extrovert. So sitting inside and drawing all day kills me. I'm so hyped to meet up with the bois. Especially Jameson. Actually, I shouldn't say that. Or think it. It makes it seem like I don't like everyone else. But I do! Everyone knows that James and I are best friends though. So it's okay. I love him with all my heart in the most platonic way possible... I think.

I finish up the frame I'm on and shut off my tablet. It's 9:30 and it takes five minutes to walk to the coffee shop but awhile back James and I decided that anytime we're meeting up as a gang we should meet a little earlier, just to catch up by ourselves. Why? Hell, why the frick not? There are just some things we like talking about one on one.

I arrive at the cafe at 9:40 (I couldn't find my keys) and see James waiting outside. I smile and wave at him. He waves back with a smile that makes him look a little nervous. "Hey, Jameson." He smiles and waves again. "You okay? You seem on edge." A simple nod is all I get in response. "You haven't said a single word. What's going on?" James opens and closes his mouth a few times before finally speaking, "I uh... n-need to tell you something..." I raise an eyebrow and wait for him to continue but he doesn't.

"You actually gonna tell me? Or nah." James clears his throat and starts fidgeting with his fingers. "Hey," I take his shaky hands and look him in the eye, "I don't know what you're nervous about but it's okay. Whatever this is you don't have to tell me now." He pulls his hands away and shakes his head, "No, I need to tell you now," he says before adding, "before I chicken out..." I shove my hands into my pockets and smile at him, trying to encourage him. As much as I don't wanna force him to tell me, I'm also super curious.

"O-okay... um... phew it's hot haha," James mutters, pulling at the neck of his shirt. "Alright, I just need to... tell you. Okay... alright... Adam, I'm um... I..." James takes a deep breath before quickly spitting out, "I'm gay." He immediately looks away, forcing out a laugh, "Hahaha. A-anyway should we get a table or..." "James!" He looks at me sheepishly, "James, I accept you no matter what. I don't know why you were so nervous! Did you think I wouldn't accept you?" He just shrugs his shoulders.

"James you mean the world to me and who you wanna make out with doesn't change that." I watch as his face flushes with embarrassment. "Huh? Where'd Jameson go? I only see a human-sized tomato in his place." James covers his face and turns from me. "Alright, let's go get a table now ya big dork."

I lead James inside and sit down at a table big enough for the whole group. I'm honestly a little surprised that James is gay. Not bad surprised, of course. It's just that his fans always thought he was gay, or bi or something. I guess I never thought they'd be right.

"So, James. You planning on telling the bois? Or your fans? Do your parents know?" James still has some red on his cheeks and sweat on his brow as he fidgets with the edge of his shirt. "I- um... I don't know... I haven't told my parents either. You're the only person who knows..." I am? There was nobody else he trusted more with this?

"Dang, okay. Do you wanna tell everyone?" "Yeah, kinda... I'm just really scared." I smile at him, "It's alright, I'll be right here. And if anyone says anything stupid I'll bash their skull in." James smiles slightly, "Thanks, Adam." "My pleasure. I'm always up for bashing a skull in."

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