a joke just for us

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i was planning on doing a part two to the christmas oneshot as a new years thing but didn't finish it so hhhh

i might finish it another time but for now im thinking ill pop it in the scrapped oneshot book. 

for now enjoy this wholesome chapter. ill post today and on saturday cause i didnt post last saturday whoops. enjoy :)

"Woah, bud. I don't know what you're complaining about," Adam raises his hands in surrender to James' outburst.

"Don't- Don't know?? You replaced all my furniture with... with... this!... This... tacky CRAP!" James struggles his way through the sentence, trying to find the words to describe his frustration.

"Tacky? Ikea isn't tacky!" Adam argues with a playful grin.

"No, it isn't. Yet somehow you managed to pick the absolute worst Ikea furniture to replace my perfectly good furniture!"

"Your furniture was looking old and tired! If we're gonna be living together I don't wanna sit down on your couch just to have it collapse into a pile!" Adam crosses his arms.

"It's ugly and I don't like it. I want it gone."

"So," Adam interrupts their silence. "Change your mind on the furniture?"

James frowns and stares at his phone, sinking into the cushions. He'd been spending any possible moment on the couch since Adam bought it, even going to the lengths of using his portable drawing table just so that he could work on the couch.

"Oh, Jameson?" Adam calls again in a sing-songy voice. "Give it up and just admit that I picked a really comfy couch. Come on! You know I'm right."

James sighs and mumbles something under his breath.

"I'm sorry, Jameson, what was that?" Adam presses.

"Fine. The couch is comfortable," James grumbles.

"So, who was right?"

James sighs. "You."

"And who was wrong?" Adam asks his shit-eating grin growing wider by the second.


Adam leans back against the couch, laughing because he just got the most stubborn person he knew to agree with him.

"Adam!" James bursts into Adam's room, phone clutched tightly in his hand.

Adam sits up, confused until his eyes land on James' phone. He grins mischievously.

"Yes, Jameson?"

"What is this?" James demands, resting his hand on his hip as he plays a video on his phone. A segment from Adam's most recent video starts to play, to which Adam chuckles.

"Why would a ghost be mad if you moved into their home? All their furniture was old and broken, so technically you just replace all their old crap with new crap!

And sure, maybe the ghost is mad that they have lack of any input. And maybe Janice has tacky taste that doesn't belong in their home. But maybe Janice is doing the best she can. Maybe Janice is doing everything she can to keep the water running. Maybe Janice is spending money on items she thinks the ghost will like, but doesn't realise the ghost she lives with is a picky bitch!

Why doesn't the ghost decide to, maybe, I dunno, help out around the house from time to time? It's only dead not incompetent! Maybe Janice should find a new haunted house to live in! Maybe Janice should, huh Kevin?? Huh, Kevin???

Adam laughs along with himself in the video, laughing even harder when James sends him a look that he probably wants to be scaring him with but is only really making him amused.

"What the frick, dude??" James shoves his phone into his pocket with a scowl.

"Oh, man," Adam wipes a tear from his eye as he starts to calm down. "I'm hilarious, huh?"

James frowns and crosses his arms.

"You're not actually mad are you?" Adam asks.

James stays silent, continuing to stare him down. Adam slowly stands from his bed, approaching James as he holds down a laugh.

"Come on, Jameson," he pleads, stopping in front of his friend. "You don't want me to tickle you do you?"

James' stone-cold expression cracks for a moment. He quickly recovers his frown but Adam saw the glint of fear in his eyes.

"It's a joke, bud. Pwease don't be mad," Adam teases.

James nervously backs away, knowing Adam to be merciless when it comes to tickling. He knows all of James' weak spots and is absolutely not afraid to tickle the heck out of them when James gets salty over something.

Adam extends his arms to tickle James' sides and the second James notices the movement, he turns on his heel and sprints down the hall, a smile already tugging at his lips.

"Get back here motherfricker!" Adam calls after him, chasing him to the living room.

He quickly catches up, tackling James to the floor and tickling him just as mercilessly as James feared. James shrieks and laughs as he tries to push Adam's hands away but to no avail. Adam laughs along with James, glad to have tickled the stubborn frown off his face.

"Are you done pouting at me?" Adam asks.

"Yes!" James shouts through his laughs. "Stop tickling me, please!"

Adam smiles and stops tickling him, freeing him from his tackle to lay next to him on the living room floor. James' laughter fades into smaller giggles as he attempts to regain his breath. They lay silently as James breathes loudly for a few minutes until he finally pipes up.

"It was funny," he says, pausing to breathe before continuing. "The joke. In your video. It was good."

Adam smiles and nods, turning his head to look at him, "Glad I got the 'Odd1sout Seal of Approval.'"

"You're welcome," James laughs. "The funniest part is that they don't even know what you're referencing."

The two fall quiet at the comment, nodding. Adam's audience doesn't know that he's referencing something that happened to him. Nor do they know that the ghost is James. Or even that they're roommates. And they never will. It was their own little secret.

"I guess it's a joke just for us, huh?" Adam suggests.

"Yeah," James says, smiling fondly. "A joke just for us." 

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