Babysitter - Part twooo

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Not super happy with this buuuuuuuut- *inhale* -I promised a part two so here it is. Also this is the 69th chapter in this book (counting drafts lol) okay I'm done rambling. 

"Hello, boys. How was your night?" Adams mother asks in a quiet voice, not wanting to disturb the sleeping Caleb. "Fantastic, Ma'am," James grins.

"So you got on well? That's good to hear," she smiles, not knowing what had occurred seconds before she'd walked in. "Are you alright honey? You look a bit red. Are you feeling unwell?" James snickers as Adam shakes his head quickly, "N-nope! I'm fine! Everything's a-okay!"

"Okay, if you say so. James, are you alright to head home? I noticed it was about to rain." James nods his head and stands up, "I'm walking but I'll be fine. It's only half an hour so I'll be okay."

"Half an hour? In the rain? Surely you'll catch a cold. You're welcome to stay the night, considering how well everything went. I'm sure Adam would love to have a sleepover!" Adam cringes immediately. Sleepover. Please mom, stop. "If he's okay with it," James turns to him.

Another abrupt nod is Adams response. "Okay! Sounds like a plan. You can borrow a pair of Adam pjs and we can set up the pull out couch for you two." Mr and Mrs Ortiz walk through the hallway to the living room. "Just get ready and be in bed with the light out in an hour!"

"So," James turns to Adam, whose still in shock from the kiss. "Uh, y-yeah. I'll grab you something to wear." Adam leads James to his bedroom.

There's paper and clothes all over the floor, a couple plates and his un-made bed in the corner. James chuckles to himself as Adam scurries to clean up a little. "Don't worry about it, Adam." Adam stands up quickly and heads to his drawer.

He finds a pair of pyjamas that his parents got him recently. They're a tad big on him so he figures they'll fit James well. He hands them to James and directs him to the bathroom. Once he's inside, Adam gets changed in his room.

James comes out of the bathroom, allowing Adam to find him a spare toothbrush. They stand next to each other in silence as they clean their teeth. Adam stares down at the sink, rather than at the mirror, until he misses looking at James' face and looks up. James is staring right back at him. Once James realises Adam's looking at him he winks at him, causing Adam to choke on the toothpaste in his mouth. James starts laughing and spits the toothpaste out of his mouth. "Oh my gosh, you're such a dork," he smiles cheekily.

Once they're both ready for bed they head to the couch where the pull-out bed is already setup. "Oh, my parents must be in their room now." James nods and crawls to the left side of the bed. Adam follows and sits down cross-legged on the right side.

"We still have, like, 50 minutes so... what do you wanna do?" James thinks for a moment, "We could... make out?" He suggests, attempting to fluster Adam. Which he does. Adam laughs nervously and starts looking around the room avoiding eye contact with James. "I'm just kidding," he says before whispering, "I'll save that for when your parents aren't around." Adam shivers and his face turns even more red.

"H-how about we draw?" Adam suggests, trying to change the subject. James laughs and agrees.

They play different drawing games until James notices Adams tired eyes "We should probably get to bed." "Yeah," Adam mutters, only half awake. James packs up the book and pencils they were using and puts them on a table next to the coach. When he turns back, Adams already snuggled into the sheets. He smiles at the sight before sinking into the covers with him. James carefully wraps and arm around Adam. James' movement makes Adam tense up a bit. He lays uncomfortably for awhile, unsure of what he should do.

Ah, screw it, he thinks to himself. Adam buries his head in James' chest, snuggling right into him. Once he's comfortable, James runs his fingers through Adams hair. "Hey, James?..." Adam asks shyly. James hums. "How did you know... Or... why do you... like me." He squeezes his eyes shut tightly, honestly kind of scared James doesn't actually like him. Sure he doesn't have any proof to back up this worry but that's not the point.

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