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this is old so i dont like it anymore but it's sorta funny so i figure ill post it before newer stuff. also this is a tumblr prompt thing (i think? my memory's bad)

"Oh my god. Oh shit. That's him oh no," I mutter staring across the bar.

"Huh? Where?" My friend, Zach, asks looking around. Without looking away I raise my finger and subtly point at him.

"Oh. Geeky blonde. Yeah, I thought that'd be your type."

I tear my eyes away from the 'geeky blonde' and look at my friend. "Wh- Why would you think that?" "You were the only guy in your high school who had a Justin Bieber phase and you're constantly talking about whatever new game is out," he says.

"Wh- that doesn't mean that-" "That is literally who we are looking at. You can't defend yourself when you're sitting here freaking out over a loser with overgrown blonde hair and a Mario t-shirt."

I open my mouth to protest but there's nothing I can say.

"But he... he also has a really pretty smile..." I trail off staring at him again.

"Jesus Christ, dude. Just go talk to him!"

I shake my head. "No! I wouldn't know what to say, then I'd make a complete fool of myself and I'd have no chance and-" "Yeah I thought you'd say that," Zach rummages in his pocket for a second before pulling out a stack of small pieces of paper and a pen. "Because you're a loser with no balls and I'm a fantastic friend, I brought notecards."

He carelessly throws the papers and pen on the table in front of me. "You're welcome."

As stupid as this is it might be my only chance of talking to him. Then I'll at least have a safety net if I freeze up.

"I'm gonna go get another drink. You fill out those notecards." I nod and start writing down what I wanna say.

Zach gets back five minutes later and I've finished writing my cards.

"You done?" "Uh, yep," I stand up. Zach takes my place. "Go get em'." I gulp and nod, staring at the guy for a while.

Can I really do this? What if it goes badly? I don't wanna make a fool of myself!

"Dude, just go!" Zach leans across the table and pushes me, making me stumble forward a bit. I regain my balance and look up to see the guy just a few steps away from me and staring me in the eyes.

I frantically straighten my posture and smile at him. He smiles back.

This is it. I've gotta do it now.

I force myself to take the few steps I need to talk to him.

"Hey? Are you alright? You nearly fell there," he says with a sympathetic smile.

My face immediately heats up, just looking up into his eyes. They're gorgeous.

"I- uh..." I desperately search for something to say before remembering my flashcards.

"I um... I just- H-hi! Uh..." The guy smiles at me, though clearly confused. "Hi?"

"Sorry for um, for... I just wanted to... um..." I take a deep breath before continuing, "Did you, uh... did you fall out of heaven because- because um-" As I'm talking I lose my grip on my cards. Curse my shakey hands.

"Shit fuck- oh god- fuck uh I'm sorry you're um- you're just really h-handsome? And I uh- I-I'm sorry," I ramble as I desperately pick my cards up off the floor.

I stand and look up and the guy, nervously. He has a look of bewilderment on his face as he stares at me with pink cheeks.

His, I assume friend, nudges his side before walking away.

Without breaking eye contact with me he says, "I wanna kiss you right now."

My face immediately boils. I'm certain I'm blushing furiously. I frantically sift through my cards.

"I um... Don't have a card for... this," I mutter, staring at the ground.

He laughs to himself and shakes his head. I'm about to excuse myself when his hand meets my face. I look up at him in awe and mostly shock.

He slowly brings his face to mine and kisses my cheek. I feel like I'm going to melt in his presence. He stands back and smiles at me.

"I uh... I'm... Th-thank you?" The guy laughs, "You're welcome."

He moves his hand to his pocket. "So, what's your name?"


He smiles, "I'm James. I'd like to take you out to dinner sometime if that's okay with you."

I nod enthusiastically, "That'd be, um that'd be amazing."

James takes one of my notecards and a pen from the bar, writing on the back of it. He hands it back with a phone number written on it.

"If it helps with your nervousness, just send a sunflower emoji and I'll know it's you." 

I smile and nod.

James' friend comes back and pats his back, "Hey, dude. It's time to go."

"Right. Well, text me," he says, before following his friend towards the exit. 

"So..." Zach walks up to me, slinging an arm over my shoulder with a smug grin. "That went well, hm?"

Still paralysed by what just happened, I nod with wide eyes. 

im cringing lol

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