Scouting The Targets

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Episode 2: Chapter 11~12


The small group, now joined by Cater and Riddle, walked through the school and a few dorms searching for likely targets. The traveled through the mirror to the Pomefiore dorm where they checked up on the first on Cater's list, Rook Hunt. They decided that he wasn't a very likely target and promptly left before the Pomefiore students pounced on Lev, wanting to play with her hair and outfit. 

They continued searching dorms and classrooms for the students on Cater's list. They decided that most either didn't seem likely to get targeted, or could very well defend themselves. 

Finally, they made their way to the courtyard to find some of the last students on the list. 

"Alright, from Octavinelle Dorm, I marked Jade and Floyd Leech as possible targets," Cater reported. "According to my info, they're known for their combo attacks and can very easily sweep the floor with pretty much anybody." 

He pointed to two very tall students with short blue hair. One had a black streak falling in front of his left eye, the other had the same trait but his hair was parted to the right. They both and different colored eyes and smug expressions. One of them had his uniform done very neatly and clean. The other was much more messy and undone. 

"So tall..." Lev gasped. She was immediately a little envious. She didn't dislike tall people, but she often got teased for being shorter than them. 

"They could make anyone look tiny," Ace said, equally surprised. 

Riddle looked uncomfortable. "If I were the culprit, I'd save those two for last. Those two--especially Floyd--aren't people I want to get anywhere near to." 

"Ah~! Goldfishie!" a voice chirped. They all flinched and looked to see one of the Leech twins walking towards them with a big grin.

Danger! Tall person incoming! Lev darted behind Ace.

Riddle jumped and hid behind Cater. "He found me!" 

"Whatcha doin' Goldfish?" the boy asked with a grin. "Playing hide-and-seek? Looks fun!" 

Riddle tried to compose himself. "F-Floyd. I thought I told you not to call me that weird nickname." 

"But, you're small and red," Floyd argued. "Just like a goldfish!" 

Grim's ears dropped in annoyance. "This guy's a weirdo." 

And that's different from 99% of people in this

Floyd looked at Grim and his grin widened. "Wow! A talking kitty-cat! Hey, can I give you a squeeze?" He reached towards a now startled Grim. 

"N-no!" Grim objected. "Don't touch me!" 

Luckily for Grim, the second Leech twin approached them and held his brother back. 

"Well, well," he crooned. "What's this? A bunch of Heartslabyul students are walking around studying us. Is it perhaps a scouting mission to check out the competition for the Magical Shift Tournament?" 

"Actually, it's a pretty long story--" Cater tried to say calmly, though it was obvious that even he was intimidated by the tall duo.

"Nevertheless," Jade interrupted. "We can't just overlook your attempts at spying, can we? Can we perhaps discuss why you decided to start spying on us?" His voice seemed nice and polite, but his eyes seemed much more dangerous. 

"Well--" Ace started, but he was cut off by the Leech twins suddenly sprinting after them.

"RUN!" Riddle shouted. They all sprinted away from the crazy duo, somehow making it away unscathed. 

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