Game Over

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Lev sliced through the last of the Phantoms with the silver sword, the blade passing through as if the creatures were nothing but mist.

"That's it!" she shouted over her shoulder as she sheathed her sword.

"For now," Lelie grumbled beside her. They turned to the others. "How are things going over there?"

"We're good over here!" Epel chirped. 

Vil nodded and turned to one of the rescued scientist. "Is the Bolt all charged?"

The scientist shook his head and held up a strange yellow pole. "We were only able to charge it up to 80%, but that should be enough for at least one attack. Remember, be careful to not drain yourself using it." Vil took the pole as the two females approached him. 

"What is that?" Lev asked. The object was a jagged spear with sharp prongs on top that cackled with electricity.

"A pain in the butt that's what," Lelie snarled, glaring at Vil. The Pomefiore Dorm Head chuckled in return.

"It's a special staff based off the signature weapon of an ancient deity," the scientist explained. "The power held inside them in enough to ward off even the strongest of Phantoms."

"Well, most of them at least," Epel whispered to Lev while glancing at the grumpy Heartless.

Lev raised an eyebrow. "Huh? What do you...." 

"They shot me in the face!!" Lelie shouted, eyes flaring. The Pomefiore boys burst out laughing. 

Vil smiled innocently. "It was an accident."

"It was amazing!" Epel gasped through laughter. "She just went poof in a cloud of black dust! And when she came back her hair wouldn't go down for like twenty minutes!" He laughed so hard he fell onto the ground. "It was glorious!"

Lelie hissed. "Keep laughing and I'll throw you into the Underworld!"

Epel covered his mouth but he couldn't stop giggling.

Even Lev had to smile. "Aww, I missed that?"

"You missed nothing." Lelie grabbed Epel by the back of his jacket and dragged him towards the Chariot. "The humans are safe and the stupid blot is charged. Let's get out of here."

The rest of the group wiped the laughter tears from their eyes followed the demoness.

Rook turned to the scientists as the others climbed into the Chariot. "Get somewhere safe. Danger is not far off."

The lead scienist nodded. "Please be careful." They quickly rushed away. 

The group climbed into the Chariot and fastened into the seats. Lelie took her spot near the dashboard.

"What's the plan, cream puff?" she asked, looking at Vil.

Vil raised an eyebrow in confusion, but answered her question. "Well, first we have to get the Ortho Phantom away from Idia. Then, we can free Idia from the Overblot and retrieve Grim from the Phantom. After that, we send all the Phantoms back into the Underworld and seal them there."

Lev's heart began to beat faster as Vil spoke. Even just completing one if those objectives would be a miracle.

Epel seemed to noticed her anxiety. "Don't worry Prefect. We've done this before, and we'll succeed again!"

Vil patted his head proudly. "Well said, little potato. Now, let's clean up this mess."

"Demone! Onward!" Rook cheered. 

Lelie cracked her knuckles. "Hold on tight!" She grabbed the controls and pushed it forward, sending them quickly down into the darkness.


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