Chapter 49

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*Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts*

*Leah's Pov*

I heard a slight high pitched scream; what I didn't realise was that it was my own until Natasha and Steve ended up kneeling next to where I was lied down.

"Its okay, its okay," Natasha rubbed the sides of my arm.
"It was just a nightmare, I promise," Steve said looking at me with a concerned look.

I looked around and we were on the Quinjet, most likely going back to headquarters.

"What happened? I was in one place and I've suddenly-" Natasha cut me off before I could finish.

"Wanda messed with your mind. She done the same to Steve, Thor and Bruce," she explained.
"Oh yeah...she didn't mean to hit me."

"What? Are you sure. Cause she damn right purposely nearly destroyed a whole city by messing with Bruce."

"Oh, I did try and convince her not to do anything. Technically she saved me from being shot, but instead she hit me instead by accident."

"Whats the relation between you and the twins. You both seem to know eachother?" Steve asked me, standing up and helping me up with him.

"Um...its a long story..."
"Well, get talking. Because your little friends, they- they done something!" Bruce said walking towards me pointing his finger at me.

Tony then walked over and stood in between me and Banner, placing his hands on Bruce and backing him away slightly.

"Hey, listen. What happened wasn't her fault. Okay?" Tony said to Bruce.
"Yeah. Sorry Leah."
I nodded in response turning back to Natasha.

"Did she do anything to you?" I asked.
"No, luckily. You were the only one passed out you know. She must of hit you badly," Nat answered me.
"Oh, well as long as your okay. Steve, are you?"
"I've been better, but I'm fine."

"You know, i know how the mind control thing works. It can effect you really bad. If you need to talk about it, I'm here to listen," I suggested, and facing Thor and Bruce as well, letting them know it was aimed at them too.

"Lady Leah, you have been through enough. Don't worry about us," Thor answered.
"Hey, it's all of us. We have all taken a hit."

Everyone nodded in agreement.
I walked over to Clint, and sat in the passenger seat of the Quinjet.

"I had to carry you all the way to the Quinjet you know!" He chuckled when I sat down.
"My apologies, thankyou," I said laughing back.
"You scared the life out of all of us. We all thought you-" I don't think he could end that sentence which was understandable.

"Not getting rid of me that easily Barton," I laughed, and he turned to me and smiled, then looking back at the sky carrying on driving.

"So, you wanna tell me what the dream was about?" He asked, careful not to scare me.

"Stop It!" 16 year old me screamed in pain.

I snapped out from a flashback and turned to him," just, memories. Bad ones. Nothing that you don't know."

Tony then came over to us, as Maria called us. I leant forward in my seat and clicked the accept button, and sat back down, resting my arms In the sides of the chair.

"The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banners arrest, but it's in the air," she said on the video call.

"Stark Relief Foundation?" Tony questioned.
"Already on the scene."

I started dozing off a bit, my eyes closed but I could still hear everything.

Clint and Tony noticed so they kept their voices down.

"How's the team?" She asked.
"Everyone's...we took a hit. We'll shake it off," Tony answered her, placing a hand on my shoulder and rubbing it with his thumb.

"Well, for now I'd stay in stealth mode, and stay away from here."
"So, run and hide?"
"Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer. Plus, S.H.I.E.L.D would put Leah up for questioning."

"Reasons. Reasons I can't say."
"Okay, thanks Hill," Tony answered sighing, and he turned off the monitor turning to Clint.

"Hey you wanna switch out?"
"No, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip, nows a good time. 'Cause we're still a few hours out," Clint answered.

"A few hours from where?" I knew exactly where Clint was taking us, and I was beyond excited.
"A safe house," Clint answered.

"Watch her, tell me if something happens," Tony said, and I could hear him walking away.
"Will do."

I then fell straight asleep once everything went quiet.

Word Count:785
Sorry for this short chapter. It was just to move things along along stuff. The next chapter will be better though. Sorry for not publishing yesterday, I have....a lot on my mind. But all is cool. If my friends are reading this.....hello!
Kiwi ~🥝

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