Dare for Candor: shibalove!

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shibalove's Dare:

Dare for the lawnhead

1) Smile

2) Give Winter a nice little-brother-esque hug while completing 1) Smile [challenge: no sarcarm!] and wish her a very Merry Christmas

3)Do the same to any other member of the guild of your choice OR your author (again, no sarcasm allowed), just to show what an adorable little OC you have the capacity to be

4) Do not kill me, please ;)

5) Lastly, have a happy happy holiday, you sadistic little lawnhead XD ((as well as Author-chan))

Me: ...Heh.

Candor: *flatly* If you deem this a laughing matter, I can personally guarantee that this will be the last question you're capable of answering.

Me: *waves hand dismissivly* No, no I'm not laughing at you, it's just... this is like from two months ago and.... *shrugs, grinning wryly* It's not Christmas anymore... Er, sorry shibalove! *bows in apology*

Candor: *scoffs* How fitting, an imbecile bowing to an imbecile.

Me: Oi! No making fun of the other authors! And what right d'ya have to say that anyway?!

Candor: *simply, raising a brow as if to ask how it wasn't obvious* She expected you to make good on that asinine promise of yours that you'd update this more frequently.

Me: *sweat drops; opens mouth, about to retort, but snaps it shut again*...Sorry again, shibalove...

Candor: *rolls eyes* In any case... *barely suppresses a hearty scowl that's itching to tug at his lips* Why am I constantly being subjected to the whims of your beloved readers? I see absolutely no benefit for either party.

Me: They like watching you squirm. *grins cheerily, patting his head* Simple as that, brat!

Candor: *heaves a dry sigh, rolling his eyes upwards, as if pleading with the heavens* *resigned* If I must... *looks again at the list of demands, eyes narrowing the farther along he goes* The first is easy enough, I suppose. *curls his lips into a rather charming smile, looking directly at shibalove* Pleased?

Me: *chuckles, covering my mouth with one hand* Niiice. You're a cutie when you smile all sincere like, know that?

Candor: *still with the smile firmly in place, looking to me with his head cocked* Naturally.

Me: *grumbling somethign incoherent under my breath, then spins around and whistles shrilly* Oi, Winter! You're needed stage right!

Winter: *lopes in, eyes curiously wide* *stops short when she notices Candor standing beside me, a groan escaping her as she puts two and two together* Oh God, not again.

Me: *grins, linking my hands behind my head* No worries, no worries, it's nothing romantic this time, promise! Just some fluffy bonding. *elbows Candor sharply in the ribs*

Candor: *smile falters for a moment as he flicks an irritated glance at me, before smoothing over the hesitation by gallantly striding forward and twining his thin arms around Winter's waist*

Winter: *blankly, looking down at Candor in pure confusion* Eh?

Candor: *smiles with the air of an innocent child, tipping his head back to meet Winter's gaze* Have a Merry Christmas, onee-chan!

Winter: *blinks, perturbed, and slowly unwinds Candor's arms from her body* *shoots me a questioning look, then turns tail and walks off, shaking her head, mumbling* If I ever figure out what the hell goes on inside that twisted head of his, it'll be a damn miracle...

Me: *smirks, highly amused, watching Winter stalk away* Well, hot damn, buddy, didn't think you had it in you-- *cuts off in a squeak as Candor latches onto me much the same way he did Winter* The hell?!

Candor: *laughs* Author-chan, wasn't the task to also wish another a happy holiday? I chose you; be grateful.

Me: *sweat drops, thinking* There's that Candor-like charm again... Ugh. This is gettin' creepy as hell...

Candor: *releases me abruptly, stepping back and dusting off the front of his jacket with a meticulous scrutiny*

Me: *eye twitches* Hey. Don't act like I'm harboring some nasty disease, you lawnhead! 

Candor: *cocks a brow, but says nothing as he shoves his hands into his pockets, eyes narrowing as the smile falls from his lips, replaced with some cruel expression*

Me: Shit... *leans back unconsciously* You know, one of the demands from shibalove was that you don't kill her, so don't be getting any ideas, sadist.

Candor: *smirks, withdrawing one hand, his wrist now braceleted with a familiar band of silver* Oh, I would never dream of harming that lively shibalove. You, on the other hand, dear author, are fair game, hm? *flicks his wrist, bringing into view the magical knife grasped in his hand*

Me: *backs away slowly, speaking fast in shibalove's direction* Um, so, yeah, this was late on a phenomenal scale and I apologize for that. But I did have a great Christmas, if that's any conselation, and all the OCs did too! So, um... I think... I'll just be going, then! *runs off like the coward I am*

Candor: *sighs, twisting the knife out of existence, folding his arms neatly across his chest* Perhaps now she'll think twice about agreeing to these ridiculous fantasies... *without looking back, turns around and leaves*

*cricket noises*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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