Question for Winter: Crystal_Accommodator!

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Crystal_Accommodator's Question:

How exactly did you feel when you figured out that Loke was actually Leo the Lion? And how do u think Lucy felt? Out of general curiositu of course.

Winter: *reads question silently, her lips moving as though working out her thoughts*

Me: Having trouble there?

Winter: *shakes her head* Nope. Just trying to remember if I actually felt anything right then.

Me: Eh?'

Winter: No, it's just... I was so focused on just getting Loke to come back, I don't think... I don't think I really felt any shock or betrayal or whatever you wanna call it. It was just sorta something that clicked into place and made a few things make sense.

Me: Mm, I figured that. You didn't seem to care much about his being a Celestial Spirit when you met up after that.

Winter: *narrows eyes* Why do I feel like you're hinting at something inappropriate?

Me: Me? *mock offense* Oh, I'd never!

Winter: *huffs tiredly, flicking me a disinterested glance* Whatever. Is this it? I gotta go. *glances anxiously at the door(

Me: Er, anything up with the brat?

Winter: *rolls her eyes dramatically* How'd ya guess? *folds her arms under her chest, tapping her foot impatiently* I've been on babysitting duty for weeks now. It's basically my job to keep him from hooking his magic into any vulnerable civilians. Do you know how difficult it is to keep a sadist from being a sadist?

Me:....*weakly* Difficult?

Winter: *smirks mockingly* More than you know. *runs off, fists clenched in eager anticipation*

Me:...Welp. Guess that's it! Hope we answered your question well enough, Crystal-san!

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