Question for EVERYONE: Midlife!

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I kinda wasn't expecting a question for all my OCs.... Not that I'm not excited! It should be really fun to bring them all together! And if I somehow forget someone, remind me would you? There's kinda a lot of them...

Midlife's Question:

I have two questions. For EVERY OC. What are you guys' favorite and leasy favorite color? And Why?

I think I'll regret the questions I just asked.

Me: The meeting of the OCs begins now! Roll call! Flynn D. Raya and Dracule Katana?

Raya: What's up?

Katana: I'm here as well.

Me: Good. Now, the Hayes triplets? Ari, Scar and Vi?

Ari: Whoa, there are a lot of people here. Geeze, Author-chan, don't you have a life?

Scar: Ari, that's rude of you. Before coming to the Naruto world, you were exactly like Author-chan.

Vi: *giggles* Except Author-chan isn't as hyper and weird as Ari!

Me: *sweat drops* I'm going to ignore all of that and just mark you down as here. Sheesh. Can't an author get some love from her own characters...? Anyway, Reika! You here?

Reika: Yup, I'm here! Don't ask how, but I'm here.

Me: Next, we have Winter. 

Winter: Yeah, me too. I had to ditch Lucy, though...

Me: Ah, sorry about that, I guess... Akari Yuki?

Akari: Was it necessary to have me here? You're taking away my time with Gaara!

Scar: Gaara?

Me: Shit! No, no, no! No talking about guys! You're all from completely separate universes, which is why Ari shouldn't be jealous of Reika!

Reika & Ari: Huh?

Me: *groans* Just forget I said anything! Ugh... Who am I forgetting....? Ah...

Micah: I'm here! Sorry I'm late! Kyouya had me baking for the last couple hours. Seems the Host Club's having some emergency fundraiser or another... I didn't really bother asking.

Me: Well that's everyone. Uh, everyone but Suki anyway. But she's an evil bitch and I don't like here, so she's not allowed to be here.

Ari: Damn straight!

Me: Indeed. Anyway, you all have a question. Two, actually. Take a look.

*everyone reads over questions*

Me: Raya and Katana you're going first.

Raya: Red's my favorite. You know, cause of my hair? It's my connection to my dad, so it's always going to be special to me. And my least favorite would probably be yellow. It's... too cheery for my tastes.

Katana: How ironic. My favorite is yellow, as it also connects me to my father, while my least favorite is red. I detest the sight of blood.

Raya: *sweat drops* Well when you put it that way...

Me: *sighs* Let's just keep going. Hayes triplets, you're up!

Ari: Uhhhh.... crap, I've never really thought about this. Um, cream maybe? Cause of Akamaru's fur color.... And least favorite.... Whatever color the Hyuga's eyes are. Those eyes scare the crap outta me everytime I seem em. Don't get me wrong; I love Hinata. Just... her eyes...

Scar: My favorite color is gold.

Ari: Eh? Gold? Since when?

Scar: I've loved that color since I was young. There's no particular reason; I just happen to love it. As for my least favorite, I'd have to agree with that Katana girl. Red is absolutely horrid.

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