Question for Raya: Explosive_Ami!

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Explosive_Ami's Question:

To Raya, I'm here to ask you what would you do if Zoro's ego get's any bigger? Would you cut his ego down to size (if that is humanly possible, with or without your sword)?

Me: Well.... this should be interesting, if nothing else. *storms over to where Raya is sharpening Honoo* Oi! Red-Haired Demon! Question time!

Raya: *eyes narrow dangerously* Excuse me?

Me: Eh, I'm really not that afraid of you, Raya. A bit of a softie, aren't you? And if you killed me, well, you'd pretty much be killing yourself, wouldn't you?

Raya: *sighs* You know how much I hate logic. *shrugs* Well, whatever. What's the question?

Me: *points* Over there.

Raya: *chuckles* Whoever asked this, I love you. Oi, Author-chan, make sure Zoro doesn't come here, alright?

Me: Meh, whatever you say, Demon.

Raya: ......Just get the hell out of here.

Me: *leaves*

Raya: Well, let's get started, shall we? To the first part of the question, I'd have to say.... eh, his ego's part of his charm, don't ya think? I know, I know, charm and Zoro are a bit of an oxymoron, but he's got his good qualities. But I'll say this: If there ever comes a time when Zoro's fat head can't fit through Merry's doorways, I'll definitely cut him down to size. Honoo would enjoy that. Ah, that answers the second part, no? I know I've been somewhat unsuccessfuly in my attempts to knock his ego down a few notches as of late, but I assure you, I know the perfect way to make our dear Swordsman humble

Me: *calls from somewhere* Oi! You better not be planning to kill and/or maim the poor guy! Marimo has enough abuse from Sanji!

Raya: From you too, Author-chan! Now get the hell away from the goddamn door before I set it on fire! *rubs temples* If she didn't decide what happens to me, I would melt her computer. Anyway, no, I wasn't planning to hurt him. Kami, what kind of girlfriend does she think I am? I was just going to say all I have to do is beat him in a contest. Be it a drinking contest, swordplay, or the macho brawl. Though, to be fair, I have a seriously unfair advatange in that department. Not the point, though. The point is, losing in anything would have him on his knees, crying his eyes out--

Me: I heard that crack about melting my computer.

Raya: *sighs* He's behind me, then, isn't he?

Me: *smirks evilly* 

Zoro: Do you really think you could win against me, Raya?

Raya: *turns around nervously* Eh, you see Zoro, this is all a big misunderstanding. See, see, I just.... ah.... There's no way to make this better, is there?

Zoro: *cocks a brow*

Raya: Alright then. *turns to Explosive_Ami* I no longer love you. But thanks for the question. Ask again any time. Just leave Zoro's ego out of it. *abruptly spins around and runs for her life* CAP'N!! MARIMO IS GONNA KILL ME!! SANJI!!

Me: You gonna go after her?

Zoro: *shrugs* I'll let her sweat for a minute. *glares at Explosive_Ami* Just so you know, if she doesn't survive the next hour or so, you'll probably have to deal with the rest of the crew. *calmly walks off after Raya*

Me: *sweat drops* He won't really kill her.... will he? *looks to Explosive_Ami* You wouldn't happen to have a truck load of sake I could borrow would you? No? Eh, it's fine. I'll deal with it. But I should probably go after them.... Damn! What's with all this goddamn running I'm doing for these goddamn ungrateful characters?! *runs off to save Raya's ass* Marimo! No killing my favorite OC! Or I'll write a fanfic about ZoSan!


Oi! Oi! By the way, I can't believe I forgot this, but I have three more OCs you guys can ask questions to! 

Akari Yuki (Frozen Past/Blazing Future)

Reika (My Strange Family, The Akatsuki)

Micah Viano (How to Survive a Host Club)

Oh and you can ask one question for multiple characters. I get the feeling Akari and Scar might be getting a few of those.... Anyway! Hope you enjoy and thanks to those who take the time to write me awesome questions!

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