Question for Raya: lailapop222!

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lailapop222's Question:

Okay so I have a request for Raya:

On a scale of 1-10 how much do you love Zoro? Also this Suki character seems pretty bitchy so the best way to "get rid" of her is to kill her with fire or drown her with water. But Raya can kill her with fire if you want ;) 

Raya: .... I though we agreed to stop answering these types of questions.

Me: I don't remember making any such agreement. You should gotten it in writing.

Raya: Wha...? Why the hell do you-- You know what? Never mind. Who the hell cares anymore. I'll answer the damn question, alright?

Me: It's not like you really have a choice in the matter, so...

Raya: *raises a flaming fist* Author-chan, remember, I'm holding your laptop hostage.

Me: *cringes* O-Ok, I'll stop. Just answer the question, please?

Raya: *smirks and lowers fist* Better. Now about that question... *rereads question silently, then scowls* Have I even... I mean, when have I ever said anything about love

Me: Dunno. *shrugs* Pretty sure we haven't hit that milestone in your relationship yet.

Raya: So how the hell am I supposed to answer?

Me: Wing it?

Raya: *sweat drops* Isn't that a litte... I dunno, pointless? They can kinda tell that I'd be faking my way through the conversation.

Me: So can the Marines; it's not like that's ever stopped you before.

Raya: Good point. *sighs* Well, I guess... It varies, ok? There are days where Zoro's literally my favorite person in the world (apart from like Dad but he's a special case), so maybe on those days he's about a 9, 9 1/2? But then...

Me: Oh you mean the days where he's a complete asshole who disregards your feelings and acts recklessly like he's some kind of goddamn Superman?

Raya: Don't have any idea who Superman is, but sure, let's go with that. Sounds less degrading than what I was gonna say, anyway. 

Me: Less degrading...? Now I wanna know what you were thinking.

Raya: Trust me *smiles darkly* you don't. 

Me: *grumbles under breath* When did I make you so sadistic? I swear you weren't like this a while ago... Freaking Kalifa getting you all riled up...

Raya: *ignores me* So on those days, I'd maybe put him at a 3? Maybe a low 4? Yeah, on those days, can't really say I'm feeling the love all that much.

Me: Understandable. So what are your thoughts on "killing Suki with fire"?

Raya: *growls*  If someone explained to me who this damn Suki chick is, I might have an opinion on it!

Me: Uh, she's this really annoying bitch for likes to complain a lot, flirts with pretty much any hot guy she sees, thinks everyone's in love with her, and betrayed the people she was staying with by falling in love with someone who was trying to hurt them. 

Raya: ... Ya want her flambeed or just turned to cinders?

Me: I figured you'd see it my way! *smiles and pats Raya on the shoulder* Too bad you're not in the same universe as her, otherwise I'd have to take you up on that offer.

Raya: *raises brow* Just how many universes do you have your hands in, exactly?

Me: ... More than I probably should, is all I'm gonna say. But look at that! *points to random clock on the wall* We're outta time! Thanks for the question, lailapop222~! Much obliged! Ask again whenever you've got a question or even if you just wanna mess with the OCs!

Raya: Wait, what did you just--

Me: *shoves Raya out the door* See y'all later! 

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