Question for Me: Midnan!

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Heya there! Another question for moi I see. Hehe, thanks for the consideration, friend!

Midnan's Question:

I have a question for Portgas D. Maria!

Where do your crazy questions come from? No, just joking. That's not the question I was going to ask.

The real question: Which of your OCs for you like, and dislike the most? (Other than Suki. If you don't dislike, than just your least favorite then, based on their traits and powers, now how they act towards you)

Me: Oh jeeze. Such a controversial question.... No one's gonna react well to this buuuuut, as it is a question, and I have pledged to answer any and all questions (within reason) I shall begin!

Ahem. As a favorite.... Oh Kami even that's difficult. Because they're all in such different situations and even genres, it's hard to base it simply off their traits and powers (seeing as how some of them don't have "powers") but if I'm pushed to give an answer....

I think it's Raya, honestly.

She isn't the first character I ever created for a fanfiction (that spot is taken by Akari Yuki, of Frozen Past) so that's not why. She's just.... she's the character I've gotten the most attached to, I guess. She's developed the most, made me think the most. I honestly just love her, from her random bursts of insanity to her sometimes corny encounters with Zoro. I don't think she's a Mary-Sue (a perfectly perfect OC whom I vow to never create) or over-powered. She has her flaws, and she has clear goals in her life. She's human, you could say. And c'mon. She's the daughter of Shanks. I gotta give her points for that (even if I came up with the concept myself).

As for a least favorite, as you've guessed, I don't have one (besides Suki, who you've ruled out...). I can't hate any of these girls (again. Suki.) because they're all, as stupid and corny as this sounds, a part of me. Some trait of mine is in all of them. Yes. Even in Ari and Violet. But again, if I have to choose, I'd honestly say Akari. 

I made her sooo cliche without even realizing it. She ends up being liked by everyone, has a tragic backstory, gets some kickass powers partway through the story, and melts Gaara's frozen heart. Sure, she has some originality, but far less than I would have liked had I realized her clicheness from the beginning. But, again, I could never hate her. She just needs some fine-tuning!

Well, this was fun. A little retrospective on my own characters. Oh and if you're wondering, my next favorite after Raya is Micah (probably because she's like a cooler version of me), then Winter, then the triplets in a tie for fourth. There's more, obviously, but I don't feel like writing out the whole list. 

Thank you so much for the question! I like the ones thrown at me and not my insane OCs. Ask again whenever you'd like! Now I'm gonna go before they see this and try to hunt me down--


Me: Oh shit! Gotta run! *runs away like the pathetic coward I am*

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