Question for Winter: Crystal_Accommodator!

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Crystal_Accommodator's Question: 

Winter, what qualities do u like in Loke most and least. Do u like him more as a friend, or could there be a chance of something more, and I want an honest answer.

Winter:... I feel like this question has already been answered. Like, in my actual story.

Me: *hangs head dejectedly* Yeah, pretty much. It's my fault for leaving this question hanging for two months exactly

Winter: Hey, don't sweat it; you were busy with other stuff. Like that Hetalia-whatever you got obsessed with. 

Me: Still. I should have answered this ages ago. So do me a favor and endure the repetitive shit for a bit?

Winter: *grins, reaching over to flick my forehead* Whaddya think I'm here for, Author-chan? 

Me: *rubs irritably at my forehead, but smiles nonetheless* Grazie~!

Winter: *cocks a brow* Weird language?

Me: Mm, it's Italian. Gotta show off my roots somehow!

Winter: Oh, like that Micah chick from the OC event thing we did a while back. She even had an accent for part of our conversation.

Me: *nods* Yeah, she slips back into the accent she picked up from her parents when she gets real excited.

Winter: *smiles, thinking back* I liked her, even though she seemed to know a freakish amount of information about Fairy Tail's future... *shrugs* Back to the question. So. About Loke, what do I like and dislike? Well, I hate the fact that I think I'm the first girl he's ever "gone steady" with.

Me: Oh definitely. He's a playboy through and through.

Winter: *eye twitches* Not helping, Author-chan.

Me: *shrinks back apologetically* My bad...

Winter: *rolls her eyes* He just makes me think he's not serious about us sometimes... But then he'll do something or say something that just... well, it'll just beat the living shit out of my doubts.

Me: *winces* Descriptive.

Winter: *chuckles* Heh, my sister is a writer, after all.

Me: *mumbling* She'd totally cringe if she heard you talking right now...

Winter: *pointedly ignoring me* So I guess that's what I like about Loke. He's compassionate and sweet when you need it most. I can remember a few times he even forgot the fact of my being a Celestial Wizard to lift my spirits. Plus, he's adorable when he's flustered, and it doesn't happen that often, so I gotta enjoy it while I can.

Me: And obviously there was a chance of something more since you two are together now, eh?

Winter: Exactly.

Me: Good. We answered everything! We're all caught up now!

Winter: You were really far behind with these things, huh?

Me: Way too far behind for my liking. I really can't keep going on hiatus with this for like months at a time.

Winter: It's probably gonna happen again.

Me: *hysterical (comical) crying* I knoooooooooow....!

Winter: *turns to Crystal_Accommodator* Uh, since Author-chan's kinda... busy at the moment, I'll say bye, I guess. *smiles* Thanks for the question! You can whatever, whenver, so be sure to come back. 

Me: *muffled wailing in the distance*

Winter: *frowns* Yeah, I'll just... go get someone to cheer her up. Where's that Russian dude she's always going on about? Or the loud-mouth Italian? *hurries off to look for them*

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