Question for Candor: xCelestIceHimex!

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xCelestIceHimex's Question:

So, for Candor: How do you feel about the members of fairy tail?

Me: Ooh, looky here, Candor's got a question~! That's new. Look at you, having fans like you're some hot stuff.

Candor: *ignoring me completely* Am I able to simply say they're insufferable idiots?

Me: No. And you know why.

Candor: *cocks brow* Enlighten me.

Me: Duh. 'Cause you actually like a few of them. Especially one hot-headed Celestial Spirit mage~

Candor: Loke? He's bearable, I suppose, though his interest in woman confuses me. Why is it that he can't just pick a single girl?

Me: Not Loke! You're avoiding the freaking question already, and this is only the first damn time! But about that... I dunno, but he should seriously reconsider his views on a monotonous relationship. Someone's getting ansty.

Candor: *sighs* Obviously, you're referring to Winter.

Me: *snorts* Obviously. Now please answer the question, Your Brattiness.

Candor: *narrows eyes* I'll attribute that remark to your fatigue after a school day and choose to not command you to rip your own entrails from your stomach.

Me:...Point taken. Continue.

Candor: *smirks gleefully* Yes... I suppose I don't despise several mages of Fairy Tail. Winter, however much I loathe her personality, isn't altogether dislikable.

Me: That your best compliment?

Candor: Would you rather I comment on her more ill-gotten habits, such as her foul mouth and over enjoyment of physical activities?

Me: Did you just make an innuendo?

Candor: *cocks a brow, smiling smugly* Perhaps.

Me: Riiigggghhhhht.... Anyway, what about everyone else? Complete and utter hatred, I'm guessing?

Candor: Correct.


Candor: For now, in any case. If they somehow prove themselves to be above their dismal reputation, I may reconsider my stance.

Me: Well... that's an honest answer, or as honest as we'll get out of you. *cough* tsundere *cough*

Candor: What was that?

Me: Nothing~! *claps hands* Alrighty then, think our time's up! Thanks, Hime-chan, for the question! It's always fun to badger Candor like this~ Send in another question whenever you'd like, ok?

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