Question for Raya and Honoo: shibalove!

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shibalove's Question:

Question for Raya and/or Honoo (based off our crossovers): Would you mind expressing your honest opinion of Hyousa? Also (addressing Raya) what is your current opinion on your circumstances in our latest arc? A certain author (not to mention a bipolar blue-eyed panther) wishes to know XD

Raya: I'll let Honoo take the reigns on this one first, I guess? 

Me: Works for me. But, uh, will she "appear" or whatever? I thought it was only during emergencies.

Raya: *blinks, then sets my shirt on fire*

Me: Holy flipping shit--!

*Honoo materializes from beside Raya, runs at me and swats away the flames with a heavy paw*

Me: *collapses on the ground, muttering curses*

Honoo: *prowls around Raya, nudging her disapprovingly*

Raya: What? She wanted an emergency, I just sped up the process a little!

Honoo: *purrs loudly, rubbing her against Raya's side* Yes, dear, I understood your actions, but that did not make them any less impuslive or naive. Apologize properly to your Author-chan.

Raya: *grumbles some half-assed apology*

Me: *glares scathingly up at her, clutching my ruined shirt*

Honoo: I see you two have quite the unorthodox relationship... Hm, I suppose I'll save the lecture for another time. If I recall correctly, we're meant to answer several questions?

Raya: *beams* Yup! You go first, Honoo. Whaddya think of Hyouya?

Honoo: *purrs* Oh, he's interesting. A bit vicious, a trite unstable, but a charming companion all the same. I'm rather fond of his bickering with that young Dracule boy, as well; I feel it would be nice if they were to strengthen their relationship, though.

Raya: Mm, probably, but Chokuto thinks he's going mad, so I doubt he'll even accept Hyouya's spirit at this point. But hey, maybe next time I meet up with the Shrimp, I can try and soften 'em up? Do something that'll make him glad Hyousa's got his back?

Honoo: Oh, dear, I sense you've already prepared a scheme.

Raya: *chuckles* You know me a little too well, Honoo.

Honoo: And what do you think of Hyousa, Raya? He seems to have taken a liken to you.

Raya: *leans against Honoo's flank, smiling* Yeah, I noticed. Treats me a lot better than he treats Shrimp, huh? Must like the fact that I actually acknowledged him from the start. And that I'm willing to talk with 'em when he wants. I mean, it's through you, but it's better than silence, right?

Honoo: *smiles animalistically*

Raya: As for how I feel about him... I like him. Sweet and simple. He's weird, and definitely sadistic in a weird, detached sorta way, but he's cool and from what I can tell, trustworthy. It's not like he'd betray Chokuto, since they're partners and all, but still, he cares for the kid, and that means he'll protect him, like you did for me.

Honoo: Yes, I thought he showed a bit of warmth to the Dracule boy, even if it wasn't very obvious. I doubt he would have shown himself at all if he thought so little of Chokuto that he was indifferent to his fate.

Raya: My thoughts exactly! Now all I gotta hope for is that Chokuto just talks to him a bit. I'm betting they'll get along just fine if he'd only say hi once in a while.

Honoo: There's a second question as well, correct?

Raya: *glances upwards* Uh, yeah, almost forgot about that... *reads silently for a moment, her brow furrowed* Ugh. Honestly, I'm not liking the situation much. We got captured, and now we're heading off to talk with the Oda Nobunaga? Little overwhelming, in my oh-so humble opinion, but hey, that's Chokuto's author for ya. *grins fiercely* Although I was having a lot of fun torturing Shrimp with that rat. Best five minutes of my life, hands down.

Honoo: At least you've acknowledged this sadistic portion of your personality... You really are a touch too like your mother at times...

Raya: *smiles softly, scuffing the heel of her boot over the floor* Heh, I'm taking that as a compliment...

Honoo: *pauses, then nods, butting her head against Raya again* Of course, take it as you'd like, Raya, dear. Now, as we're both done, would you care to take a walk? As you're a bit stronger this time around, I think I'll be able to stay longer, and I'd like to chat with you face to face.

Raya: Yeah, 'course, I'd love that! C'mon, let's go before we get another question or something!

*Raya jumps on Honoo's back and runs off*

Me:... and I'm just left on the floor like nothing happened. Jeez, I feel so loved right now... *sighs and glances at shibalove* Well, hope we sufficiently answered your questions! You know Raya's always around to answer (Katana, too!) so feel free to ask again whenever you'd like!

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