Question for Winter and Candor: Crystal_Accommodator!

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Crystal_Accommodator's Question:

Do u too actually like each other? Is Loke standing in the way of u too?

Me: *awkwardly silent, staring between Candor and Winter expectantly*

Winter: *heaves a heavy sigh, nudging Candor's hip with her own* You wanna take this one?

Candor: *smirks nastily* My pleasure. There is no conceivable way - not on earth, nor in the fictitious extremes of Heaven or Hell - that I could ever hold romantic feelings for someone as catostrophically unbalanced as this toy here.

Winter: *eye twitches; hissing out her words through gritted teeth* Yeah. Sure. That works. But outta the two of us, who's really catostrophically unbalanced, Mr. Sadist?

Candor: *raises a brow indifferently* Call me what you will, it only reflects on your own badly hidden faults.

Winter: Your mother must be sooooo proud of you, using all those big boy words.

Candor: Yours as well, considering you've forsaken every ideal of your own family, curse like a middle-aged sailor, and can down your own weight in alcohol. Quite the lady you've grown into.

Winter: *glares scathingly at Candor, then abruptly turns to me and Crystal_Accommodator* Loke ain't standing in the way of anything, alright? I like him, not this pitiful excuse for a human being! *stalks away, muttering swears beneath her breath*

Me:...You really don't want to admit it, do you?

Candor: *stares passively after Winter, his lips quirked into a flat line* What's there to admit? Flimsy feelings from a so-called sadist wouldn't stir anything in her heart but doubt. Besides, I have no desire to care for another human being. Emotional ties are just insubstantial means of inciting future misery.

Me: That bleak outlook of yours... that's the reason Winter wants to help you so badly, ya know. 

Candor: *skeptical* If you say so.

Me: *sighs; murmuring to self* Denial really ain't the color for you, lawn-head. *raises voice* Well, since you've successfully run Winter off, wanna help me with the farewells?

Candor: *reluctantly* If I must. *turns to Crystal_Accommodator* We thank you for the questions, and offer you the chance to ask more anytime you wish. Now if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to. *leaves*

Me: I gotta go too, actually. Holiday stuff to attend to and all. Thanks for the questions, though! See ya later!

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