More Raya: Dahabo and Silph_Fairy_Mage777

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Because the Raya love is still going around, we'll do two questions this chapter! Special thanks to Dahabo and Silph_Fairy_Mage777 for the questions and for always supporting Raya's adventures!

Ahem. First question!


Yo! I have a very simple question for Raya. Do you like short-haired over long-haired? If so then why? Also the same question if you like long-haired. Yup, this is definitely the most awkward question to me, but I can't help it. I'm bored~! ^-^

Me: This is a pretty simple question. I like it. Alright, let's roll Raya!

Raya: Finally, a question that doesn't make me run for my life. 

Me: You're being overdramatic again.

Raya: I believe we've already decided that I can't be changed.

Me: Oh no, you could be, but then you'd be boring and people would hate me.

Raya: Do you want me to answer the question or not?

Me: *holds hands up in surrender* Right, right. Sorry. Go right ahead, Miss Flynn.

Raya: *rolls eyes* I have no idea why readers like you. *looks to Silph_Fairy_Mage777* Thanks for the question! Nothing Zoro related, either, so that's good. And I have a pretty basic answer, so sorry if it's a bore. I prefer long-haired.

Me: Eh? Why? You look more badass with the short hair!

Raya: Have we not been over this, Author-chan? About my little stress technique?

Me: Ah, right. Raking your fingers through your hair and what not. I guess it makes sense why you'd prefer long hair then.... But.....

Raya: *cocks brow* What?

Me: *smirks devilishly* Let's get a third opinion, shall we? Sanji! Sanji, get your ass over here please!

Raya: Dammit, don't bring ero-cook into this!

Me: Too late!

Sanji: *twirls into existence next to poor Raya* RAYA-CHAAAAAAN!! AUTHOR-CHAAAAAAN!! What can I do for two lovely ladies?

Raya: *jumps back* Shit, Sanji, don't scare the crap out of me like that!

Me: Ignore her for a moment. *waves hand dismissively at Raya* We have a question I think you might be able to answer.

Sanji: Whatever the challenge, the answer is yes!

Me & Raya: *sweat drop*

Me: I'm just gonna ask the question. Sanji, do you think Raya looks better with short hair or long hair?

Sanji: *hearts replace eyes* Raya-chan looks stunning whether her hair is long and flowing or short and silky..... But! Raya-chan looks especially sexy with long hair.....

Raya: That settles it. I'm keeping my hair short for the rest of my goddamn life.

Me: Thanks, Sanji! You can go now. Like, seriously, go. Your perviness is starting to scare me.

Sanji: As you wish, Author-chan! *twirls away*

Me: *sighs* Well, I hope that answers your question Silph_Fairy_Mage777! On to the next one!

Raya: Eh?! There's more?!

Me: Of course! You should be thankful you're so popular. So, the next question, from Dahabo, is:

This is a question to Raya! Which was the most disturbing and annoying enemy you guys had met so far and why.

Raya: *groans* You just described every enemy we've ever met, friend. How much time do we have?

Me: *checks watch* Meh. I've got time to kill. Our readers, however, probably do not. So just pick the person who made your skin crawl the most, eh?

Raya: Huh.... Give me a minute.... Oh wait, can I ask someone for some help?

Me: *shrugs* Anyone but Nami. She stole my wallet yesterday. And my brother's wallet. And my dad's, mom's.... 

Raya: *cocks brow* Are you guys pirates?

Me: Why the hell do you think I'm so confused!

Raya: *sweat drops* Anyway, I'm gonna call Luffy then. *looks at Dahabo and me* Brace yourselves. *takes deep breath* OI! CAP'N!! AUTHOR-CHAN IS STEALING YOUR MEAT!!  

Me: Say WHAT?!  

Luffy: *explodes into the room, eyes burning with rage, face flushed from anger* AUTHOR-CHAN!! GIVE ME BACK MY MEEEAAAAT!!! *throws back fist* Gum-Gum--

  Me: EH?! Luffy!! Don't! We don't even have any meat!!  

Luffy: *blinks* Huh?  

Raya: *chuckles* Luf, sorry, I just needed to get your attention.  

Luffy: *links hands behind head and grins at Raya* 'It's ok! So whadda ya need my help with?  

Raya: *hands Luffy the question* 

  Luffy: *gains constipated look, squinting at paper, until Raya reads it aloud*  

Raya: So who do you think was worse? Enel or Foxy? *grimaces*  

Luffy: *wrinkles nose* Split-head was worse! He took you away from my crew! No one hurts my nakama, and no one takes them away from me!  

Raya: *grins* Aw, thanks, Cap'n!   Me: *sniffs* So... so... sweet! I see what the LuRa shippers saw now!  

Raya: The what?

  Me: Nothing! Continue, continue! 

  Raya: *shrugs, looks to Luffy* Yeah, I thought he was worse too. Bipolar and a pervert. *shudders* I can still feel that itchy mask.... *shakes head and looks at Dahabo* Yup, I'm gonna go with Foxy. Did you see what that thing did during the Davy Back Fight? For Kami's sake, he has no morals! Him and that bitch Porche. Hate. Her. 

Me: No, Raya, tell us how you really feel.

Raya: *glares* How about you tell me how it really feels to have me put Honoo through your writing hand?

Me: *gulps* Eh.... Luffy! Proctect your nakama! *hides behind Luffy, peeking over his shoulder*  

Luffy: *chuckles* I'll protect you, Author-chan! Just give me some meat afterwards!  

Me: *nods vigorously* Yeah, sure, whatever, just keep her from killing me! *points fearfully at Raya who has Honoo poised in her hand*

Raya: What? *looks down at sword* Eh? I'm not going to stab you. Probably. I'm checking for scratch marks. Baka.

Me: *sighs* Phew! That's good. I thought I'd have to-- Wait what?! What do you mean probably?!  

Raya: *smirks and looks to Dahabo* It was nice meeting you. Sort of. I hope we were able to answer your question! Got a bit off topic there, so forgive us! Anyway, I suggest you leave now. Author-chan and I have some business to attend to. *scowls at me* So.... what the hell is LuRa?  


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