Question for Me: TheFootman!

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TheFootman's Question:

Ok, I have a question for you, miss Maria. Would you ever consider making a Black Butler fanfiction? And if so, how fantastic do you think it would be? Also, I kinda sorta wanna shoot Suki in the face.... I'm in the same world as her now! It's a possibility!

Me: 'Ello Morgan! Nice to see ya again, you belligerent little street artist! Hope the Ninja world is treating you nicely (haha). 

But more to the point.

A Black Butler fanfic, hm? I can't say the idea hasn't crossed my mind a few times, especially when I've got stories like yours to inspire me. But, to be honest, I haven't really had any good ideas I could turn into a decent fanfic. I mean, if I wrote one, if would probably end up with Raya crashing the Phantomhive manor and scaring the living shit outta everyone with her "demonic" powers. 

Wait. That doesn't sound half-bad, actually. Raya in the Kuroshitsuji universe...

Shit. You're giving me ideas, dammit! Ugh, nooo, I just got rid of a few fanfics cause I had too many going at once.... And why the hell does Raya have to be in everything? Is she that likable?

Oh. Huh. I think I called her my brand name or something once. She's what I'm most known for, anyway.

But, um, as of right now, I don't have any plans to start a BB fanfic, though I'm not ruling out the idea by any means. And if Raya were involved with it, I can honestly say it would probably end up being pretty damn badass. So, like, a fifteen on a scale of one-to-ten of awesomeness.

I don't even care if I sound conceited. Raya's cool.

Oh, and as for Suki.... *smirks* If you happen to run across any silver-haired she-demons, I happily give you my permission to do whatever you feel is necessary to her. *cough cough* she's with Orochimaru right now *cough cough*

Hah? No. What? I didn't just sell out one of my own OCs to an excitable footman with a gun. What kind of author do you take me for? J.K. Rowling? George R. R. Martin? *shakes head* You people with these crazy accusations...

Well, anyway, I hope that sufficiently answers your questions! Thanks for taking the time to ask, and feel free to do so again any time!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta get back to writing the next chapter for Crossing Borders. Hasta la Pasta, peoples!

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