Question for Valentina (and Friends): OneHellofaGrell!

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Yay! Valentina's first question! She's ever so excited, I have to tell you, though through Toris' stuttering it sounds a little weird... Anyway!

OneHellofaGrell's Question:

Oo! Question for the lovely mystery girl: Valentina! ...and I guess Lithuania kinda cuz I don't speak Russian... How do you see your translator? As a brother, or something more fangirl worthy? And Russia! My darling little demon in human clothing! Is there something going on between you two when you go out on those walks together? Don't think I'm weird to ask these questions! My ancestors' home country deserves some lovin'!

Me: Well.... someone's enthusiastic about some new ships.

Toris: A-Author-chan... do I really have to translate this for V-Valentina?

Me: Da.

Toris: *shudders* Please don't do that! M-Mr. Ivan is already...

Ivan: Hello! *waves cheerfully* 

Valentina: *blinks uncomprehendingly* 

Toris: *takes a deep, shuddering breath* Valentina... Каким вы видите ваше переводчик? Как брат, или что-то более fangirl достойным? *blushes violently, peeking at Ivan from between his fingers*

Valentina: *tilts head* Я не уверен, что понял ваш вопрос. Торис мой друг, очень милый друг, кто помогал мне через довольно трудное время. Я не знаю, как бы я работать без него.

Me: What'd she say?! What'd she say?!

Toris: *blushes* She u-um, she said, "I'm not sure I understand the question. Toris is my friend, a very lovely friend who's been helping me through quite the difficult time. I don't know how I'd function without him."

Me: *thoughtful* You could take that in a fangirl-worthy way, though I don't think Val actually understands what a fangirl is... which might be why she's a bit confused. But! *smirks eerily at Toris* think the more important question is how our little translator sees Valentina!

Toris: *stutters* T-That's not one of the q-questions!

Me: *snickers* No, but I wish OneHellofaGrell had asked that. But since she didn't, I won't torture you excessively about it. Let's just go to Ivan's question. Ready, Ivan?

Ivan: *smiles* Da. 

Me: Gotta admit, I've been wondering about those walks myself. So, is there something going on between you two?

Ivan: Da.

Me & Toris: *surprised* Da?

Ivan: Da! Valentina and I always walk around the town, seeing if anything triggers her memory. It's fun, too, like watching Arthur and Alfred attempt to kill each other during our world meetings. She's a sweet girl.

Toris: Mr. Ivan--!

Me: *waves hands around frantically* Wait, wait, wait, wait! Don't jump to conclusions, Liet! *whispers* I... I don't think he gets what we're asking either!

Toris: *nods slowly* He is just like a child at times... a very, very cruel child, but nonetheless...

Me: Let me try again. *to Ivan* Do you like Valentina?

Ivan: Da.

Me: *sweat drops* Well, that's actually pretty vague... Eduard likes Val too... Er, Raivis doesn't, but that's because she's not afraid fo Ivan. *shakes head* Anyway, um, Ivan, do you... think she's pretty?

Ivan: Da. Prettier than Yao, at least.

Me: *cocks brow* If he weren't so girly looking, I'd have to wonder about you... Ok, what about... Oh! Compared with Belarus, who'd you rather have become one with you?

Ivan: *shudders* Anyone besides my little sister....

Me: *shrugs at Toris* Meh. That's a valid answer. And I've got nothing else. I dunno what they do on those walks besides talk and look at the snowy scenery, but I doubt it's anything... obscene. So don't worry so much, Toris.

Toris: *sighs* I suppose you're right...

Me: *whispers* You seem jealous, Little Liet!

Toris: I-I'm not! I j-just worry about V-Valentina and Mr. Ivan being a-alone together... other words, you would rather be alone with Val! 

Toris: Author-chan, s-stop! Mr. Ivan and Valentina are--

Me: Not listening. *points to where Ivan and Valentina are sitting together in the distance, chatting* Honestly. You think I'd ruin your rocky relationship with that guy? I don't wanna be responsible for Lithuania disappearing off the map!

Toris: *blanches*

Me: *flinches* Oooh, bad choice of words there.... sorry... But that's all the torment for today! *looks at OneHellofaGrell* Very happy you chose Valentina for your question! Much obliged! You're very welcome to ask again, and include any of the countries who've interacted with Valentina thus far! *to everyone* Alrighty, guys, since this is your first question, I'll let you all say goodbye!

Toris: U-Um, thank you for the q-question, Miss. But maybe, next time, n-not one so-- 

Ivan: *suddenly claps Toris on the shoulder* Do svidaniya! *tugs Valentina next to him* 

Valentina: *smiles demurely* Goodbye!

Me: *gapes* She spoke E-English!

Ivan: Da, Toris has been teaching her. She's doing well.

Me: *pauses* Alright then. Good to know *grumbles under breath* Couldn't have told me that before we started the damn question?! Now I just look stupid...!

Toris: *concerned* Author-chan--

Me: That's all, folks! See ya next time!

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