Question for the Hayes Triplets: Midlife!

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Yippy, we've got a question for all three of those charming girls who border on the edge of insanity! (who am I kidding, Ari and Vi already went off the deep end)

Here's Midlife's Question:

Heya. Got a question for the Hayes siblings. Which order were you guys born in? (For example, Scarlette was born 20 minutes after Arianna, Arianna was born 30 minutes after Violet, etc)

Me: Eh... do you guys even know...?

Ari: Of course we do! What do you think we are? Stupid?

Me: Not Scar.

Ari: How rude.

Vi: *giggles* She's right, Ari!

Scar: I'll wisely choose not to comment on this.

Me: And so the bickering begins.... Seriously, what do readers see in you three?

Scar: Themselves.

Me: *points to Vi* If there are people like that in the world, we're doomed.

Ari: Hey, hey, hey! Don't we have a question?

Scar: Of course. Why don't you answer, Ari? You seem eager.

Ari: Heh, damn right I am! Alright, so here's how it goes. I was born first, then Vi like fifteen minutes later and Scar was last, about ten-twelve minutes after her!

Vi & Scar: That's not right.

Ari: Eh?! You're ganging up on me?! And whaddya mean it's not right?!

Scar: You were most certainly not born first.

Ari: What?! Of course I was! That's why I'm the coolest sister. Obviously.

Vi: But Ari! I thought Scar was the cold one!

Me: Heheh, wrong kinda cool, Violet....

Vi: *tips head to the side* Huh?

Scar: *smiles tightly* It's nothing, Violet. Just ignore her. But Ari, you're still wrong. Violet was born first. She is, in fact, the oldest Hayes triplet.

Ari: Wha...? No way! She's less mature than I am! How can she be the oldest?!

Scar: Blame mother, not me.

Ari: I wish I could... damn absentee baka. I hope Europe sucks for them, like they got detained in Russia or something.

Scar: I doubt that would happen.

Ari: Who asked you anyway?!

*Ari and Scar continue to absently bicker*

Me:... They've been at for a while now, haven't they?

Vi: *giggles* Yuppy! They're always like this. It's no big deal, promise!

Me: Ok...? But they never really finished the question.

Vi: Oh, that's easy! I was born first, then eight minutes later was Scarlette!

Me: Which makes Ari last....

Vi: *nods* Mm hm! She was born a full twenty-five minutes after Scarlette! 

Ari: I heard that! And I'm telling you, there's no way I'm the youngest!

Scar: And yet, it's true. Accept it, Arianna. It's nothing to be concerned over; you're simply a few minutes younger than us.

Ari: But... but... but.....!

Scar: *rolls eyes* I used to think you had no pride. I see I was wrong about that.

Vi: It's ok, Ari! We still love you! And this way, you're closer to Kiba's age aren't you?

Ari: *eyes widen* That's right! Awesome! Yes, yes, yes! Now the age gap isn't so big!

Scar: Actually, it isn't big to begin with and this revelation doesn't really.... *trails off as Ari does her epic happy dance, completely ignoring everyone* I give up.

Me: That's probably the right call....

Scar: Well, that takes care of that, I suppose. *turns to Midlife* Thank you for the question, my sisters and I, as well as Author-chan, greatly appreciate your taking time to ask us something. Please, feel free to do it as many times as you'd like. Now, if that's all, I have to return to helping Temari polish her fans.

Me: *blinks* She actually makes you do that?

Scar: *sighs* I have to, it's only fair. Ari practically ruined the steel when she spilled hot sauce on it yesterday.

Me: Hot sauce?

Scar: She was experimenting with ramen. And please, it's better if you don't ask for the results.

Me: Ah, alright then. Anyway, everyone say goodbye cause I gotta go.... do stuff.

Scar: Farewell, have a nice evening.

Vi: Buh-bye! Don't let any nasty bedbugs bite!

Ari: *lost in Kiba dreams and unable to say goodbye*

Me: Oh gross.... she's drooling again!

(btw, it's night where I am.... just saying)

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