Question for Scarlette: SeidoYuki!

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SeidoYuki's Question: 

For Scarlett, can you take care of me too?????????????!????? Like seriously, answer.

Me: I kinda don't know how to respond to this...

Scarlette: Nor do I.

Me: Take care of you? Like, how she takes care of her sisters?

Scarlette: If that is the case, I'd have to decline. You've most likely noticed just how busy I am with my own family. I wouldn't have the time for anymore troublesome siblings.

Me: Yeah.... Well, that's her answer! This was really short, and I'm sorry about that, but I honestly don't what else we can do with the question.

Scarlette: I've answered it. Isn't that enough?

Me: I mean, yeah, but we usually have some comedic banter afterwards...

Scarlette: I have to leave, Author-chan, I've promised to help Sasori clean and repair his puppets.

Me: EH?! This is the first I've heard of this! Since when are you guys so damn close?!

Scarlette: Since you dropped my sister and I in the care of the Akatsuki.

Me: Ah, touche.

Scarlette: Well, in any case, thank you, SeidoYuki, for the question. I don't mind if you have any more for me or my sisters. I'm sure Ari and Violet would be quite happy to assist. Now, I'll have to take my leave. Goodbye. *leaves*

Me: Yup, thanks for the question! See ya later!

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