Questions for Winter: FaeFey!

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Oh, so we've got a newcomer, do we? Welcome, to my odd-ball world full of baka characters and stuff! (That sounded much less lame in my head, I assure you) Anyway, thanks for asking Winter a question! She's not so popular, so it's much appreciated!

FaeFey's Question(s): 

Question for Winter: What would happen if you and Loke became a team and his *shiver of disgust* fan girls found out?


Question for Winter: what would you do if Loke liked you?

Me: I love these kinds of questions! Winter, what do you think?

Winter: About the first one...I'd be dead. Literally. Smashed like a pancake and beaten black and blue. Those girls already hate me, I don't even want to think about what they'd do if Loke and I spent anymore time together.

Me: True, they are really jealous of you. Just cause you went on a job with him!

Winter: *sighs* I really don't get it. They're all crazy bitches, if you ask me.

Me: Well, we all know how much you hate fangirls, so the cussing it expected, I guess.

Winter: Cussing? C'mon, Author-chan, you can do a little better than that, can't you?

Me: I don't curse all that often, I'm sorry for being semi-innocent!

Winter: So I'm not innocent, is what you're saying.

Me: No, you're not.

Winter: What is with all this blunt treatment from you and the Ice Prince lately?

Me: Meh, deal with it.

Winter: *waves hand dismissively* Whatever. There's another question right. I'm ready for it!

Me: Yup! Take a look!

Winter: *reads question over*

Me: Well?

Winter: Hide.

Me: Huh?

Winter: I'd hide. Didn't we just discuss this? If they got mad at me being on a guild team with him, they would murder me and toss my body in the ocean or something if he had feelings for me. 

Me: But, don't ya think it would be worth it if he really liked you?

Winter: *pauses to think* Maybe.... But it's not gonna happen, so there's no use worrying about it.

Me: *grumbles under breath* Baka OC, blind as a bat, stupider than Ari, what the hell did I give you for a brain, a turnip?

Winter: *cocks brow* What was that?

Me: *grins mischievously* Nothing, my lovely OC! Now, have a question I'd like you to answer!

Winter: Shoot.

Me: Do you have feelings for Loke?

Winter: I--

Levy: *runs in and grabs Winter by the arm* Winter! I finally found you! Come on, Master wants to see us!

Winter: Huh? Us? What for?

Levy: It's a job he wants us to do together, since we have the same magic. He thinks it'll go smoother.

Winter: *grins wickedly* Alright! A job! This is gonna be awesome! Let's go Levy! *waves at me* We'll talk again later, Author-chan! Busy right now! 

*Levy and Winter run off*

Me: Damn. She didn't answer the question! *sighs and looks at FaeFey* I apologive for having her be so stupid. Winter's pretty smart in her own right, but like all my other characters, she's oblivious to both her own feelings and the feelings of others. So you'll just have to watch her to see what happens with Loke! *waves goodbye* See ya! Ask again whenever!

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